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Special Project

Special Project
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards


Entered in Live Streaming Video


#DearWorldLive is an online discussion show from Doha Debates, featuring Doha Debates’ correspondent and Course Correction host Nelufar Hedayat. In each conversation, streamed live across Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Twitch, Nelufar talks to two special guests — a mix of thinkers, writers, policymakers, activists and people who are on the ground, putting into practice the solutions we need to identify and address the world’s most pressing issues.

We also invite students and other young people from around the world to join the virtual conversation and engage face-to-face with our guests. Livestream viewers have the opportunity to participate as well by submitting comments and questions with the hashtag #DearWorldLive.


Strategy and Execution

 #DearWorldLive meets our audiences where they are across social media. The show not only carves out a space for us to talk about timely and important issues that our audience cares about—but we invite our audience members to chime into the conversation throughout the show using the hashtag #DearWorldLive.

From the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to the the global fight for racial equality and disability justice, #DearWorldLive seeks to take on pressing global issues and engage the communities affected by them most. Ahead of each episode we ask our audience members to record and share video messages that shine a light on how a particular issue has impacted them, their family, their community. We include these stories in our show and we ask our guests to respond. In this way, we aim to ground each conversation with real and meaningful experiences — and we also seek to offer our global audience solutions that are both practical and inspiring.


It’s also essential that we include students in these conversations as they represent the future and our future leaders. Our aim is not to assemble a panel of experts to speak down to young people — we want students to be a central part of the conversation, to challenge assumptions and offer fresh perspectives on entrenched issues — and to speak truth to power!



Seasons 1 and 2 of #DearWorldLive were streamed weekly across Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Twitch — garnering over 19 million views and hundreds of comments. Each episode included students as active participants, able to engage with thinkers, writers, policymakers and activists.


The show is a compelling platform for issues that are important and often underreported. The show focuses on practical takeaways and calls to action for our young global audience. We’re not just talking about the problems, we’re trying to emphasize and highlight actionable solutions to them as well. 



Video for #DearWorldLive

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Doha Debates


Entry Credits