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Special Project

Special Project
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards

'Cuidate y Cuentate'

Entered in Social Good Campaign


WHAT: Cuídate y Cuéntate (Take Care and Be Counted) Concert to raise awareness about Latino civic power and participation in the census. 

WHEN: Saturday, May 23, 2020, 4 p.m. PDT 

WHERE: LATV, IGTV, FB live-stream, YouTube. 

WHO: Lupillo Rivera, Ozomatli, Ninel Conde, Diego Verdaguer, Ana Victoria, Angélica María, Angélica Vale, Arthur Hanlon, Horóscopos de Durango, Jessica Díaz, King Clave, Leo Dan, Ella Bric, and Eduardo Marturet and the Miami Symphony Orchestra.

Facts About Cuídate y Cuéntate: 

As the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affects Latinos and immigrants, CHIRLA strives to inform, protect, and activate the community. This first-of-its-kind virtual event will raise awareness about the value and contributions of our community and the interconnectedness of all of us. Immigrants and Latinos are our neighbors, loved ones, and friends. As part of our nation, they count; they are not invisible. In a show of solidarity, we ask everyone to take an active role in this year's census and be part of the #ContamosContigo Census2020 effort. Now more than ever, we must come together as one strong voice. Join CHIRLA and stand with us as part of a strong immigrant rights movement. 

Cuídate y Cuentate is a virtual concert concept that will be available via telecast on LATV, simulcasted in social networks and promoted via cross-media network partners. The event will be produced by UNO

Productions Inc., a veteran in the music and event industry who will ensure the highest quality production standards for the event.

The musical event included Grammy Award musicians, well known personalities, community leaders in medicine, academia and social justice, and lifestyle influencers. 

Talent: Artists from Latin America and the U.S. coming together for one day to show their support for equality and inclusion. 

Demographics: Latino, immigrants, workers, families, youth.

Strategy and Execution

"The Covid-19 crisis has demonstrated two major realities: how much immigrants and Latinos contribute to our society, especially in challenging times; and how important participating in Census2020 is so we can challenge all the inequality that still exists," Salas said. "The beauty that these artists make as they come together for the Cuídate y Cuéntate virtual concert is a sign of hope that as we all complete Census2020, the nation flourishes." 

The goal was to mobilize our community to get counted for the 2020 census by activating them through a virtual variety show that would engage them to do so from home while following all COVID-19 measures and eduating them about protecting themselves during the pandemic.  This a hard to count community (Latino and immigrant) who are often invisible by many.  This effort was to change that narrative.


As the world comes together to fight the spread of COVID-19, we are confronted with a cruel yet ironic reality of distancing ourselves to do good. Combating the virus means that we have to physically isolate ourselves from one another. But it is now when we must come together while at home, using social media and other methods to still connect virtually.

We must learn to adjust to the new normal, adapting to the new daily habits, embracing the change, while being flexible to changing our behaviors. Now more than ever we must focus time on connecting with one another through music and other methods of communication.

It is a time for us all to combat the virus by coming together as one from home, be inspired by showing a strong sense of compassion and solidarity across our community. It is CHIRLA's goal to be able to inform, protect and uplift the human spirit through this means.

This is why CHIRLA has created a Virtual Concert to raise awareness about the issues affecting our community during this crisis, while asking everyone to take action.


CHIRLA was able to hard to reach communities throughout the state of California and the nation, informing them about the importance of being counted for the 2020 census.  Provided ways in which they can do safely via mail or online during this pandemic.  Thei 'Cuidate y Cuentate' effort reached to almot 5 million people online and more than 60 millions through television, coming to their homes as a familiar voice with familiar faces and trusted messaging about why it was important to be counted during such a critical year.

This virtual concert was part of CHIRLA's 'Contamos Contigo' census campaign that reahced out to millions of people, leading the way in California and the nation in getting our community counted.


The Latino community is among the worst hit by this pandemic, not having wide access to healthcare nor

being able to qualify for unemployment benefits that could bring relief.

Data from cities and states across the nation show the virus’s unequal toll on minorities. In California Latinos make up 39% of California’s population and they account for 30% of Covid-19 deaths to date.

Public health experts warn that the official statistics may be underestimating the virus’s toll on Latino communities worry of seeking medical care due to a lack of health insurance, and in many cases fear that going to a hospital will expose them to immigration authorities.

Cuídate y Cuentate's goal is to raise awareness about the socioeconomic impact the virus is having in our community, educating them about safety and protection, while reminding everyone about the importance of being counted during this year's census. People can get counted from the convenience of home (via mail or online). Political representation and funding for programs like healthcare, education, social services depend largely on an accurate count. Being counted is key in the whole process of fighting for our immigrant

rights. A low or inaccurate count in the census will have adverse effects in our state and our communities.


Video for 'Cuidate y Cuentate'

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, CHIRLA


Entry Credits