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Special Project

Special Project
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards

BlackRock: What’s your why?

Entered in Community or Employee Engagement


The purpose of this activation was to inspire BlackRock employees to connect with the greater purpose of BlackRock of helping more and more people experience financial well-being. We did this by showcasing the stories of BlackRock employees around the world who are connecting their personal passions to BlackRock’s purpose through the things they do every day. The video series was intended to highlight unexpected voices and stories and in doing so humanize the firm.

Strategy and Execution

The videos used human language and storytelling to demonstrate how different BlackRock employees in different areas of the business around the world activate and connect to BlackRock’s purpose. The videos featured subjects across regions, levels, and business functions, who felt connected to the company’s purpose through a specific proof point (i.e., employees passionate about climate working in sustainable investing capacities).

Using real employees and their stories, the final product highlighted the diversity of our employee base and came off as authentic, transparent, and relatable. In the landscape of financial services content, these videos felt unexpected, authentic, transparent, and relatable.

To share these videos with our target audience of current and potential employees, we launched them organically on our Twitter and LinkedIn pages, then amplified them using paid tactics across these channels. Additionally, we shared out this content to our current employees and encouraged them to share the videos on their own LinkedIn and Twitter profiles.

Overall, we were able to demonstrate how our employees’ work directly contributes to BlackRock’s ability to help more and more people experience financial well-being.


On our organic channels our KPI was video views. Across Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn we garnered over 91,894 views which is above our organic benchmark of 10,000.

With our paid tactics, our KPI was video-view rate, and we successfully performed above benchmark across Twitter and LinkedIn. On Twitter our video-view rate was 52.36% and on LinkedIn our video-view rate was 38.56%, both above their respective benchmarks of 50% and 34.30%.

Dynamic Signal was an important tool that we leveraged, as our main objective was to inspire employees to connect with the greater purpose of BlackRock. This platform enables communications for internal company news and information to be distributed and tracked through employees' own social channels. Dynamic Signal allowed us to measure our internal employee engagement by measuring how often they shared this content. Our measurement of success on Dynamic Signal was overall engagement. These videos were shared by our employees to their Twitter and LinkedIn pages 171 times, which resulted in 1,618 clicks, 1,946 reactions (likes & clicks) and 449,540 impressions.

Across the firm the videos’ impact is also demonstrated by various internal teams (like DEI and Employee Networks) asking to use the videos for various projects, including the BlackRock career sites, and intern and incoming graduates orientations.


Video for BlackRock: What’s your why?

Entrant Company / Organization Name

BlackRock & Indigenous Media


Entry Credits