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Special Project

Special Project
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards

Biden For President Rallies the Nation

Entered in Organic Promotion


The 2020 Presidential Election was one of the most pivotal moments for Americans in recent memory - and it came in the midst of a pandemic, at a time when government was less trusted than ever before. 

The Biden For President campaign needed to both educate voters on alternate voting options (and how to vote safely in person in a pandemic) so they could feel confident their vote would count), and also tap into the issues - from climate change, to social justice - that would actually motivate them to do so.  But to do that, BFP needed to engage messengers they could trust. 

And while outside of family members, peers and “people like them” were the source voters trusted most - influencers had been bungling that trust left and right. Following the backlash they received from ill-thought out videos to tone-deaf branded posts during the pandemic, influencers were skittish to participate in anything risky (and stating your political views during an election was definitely risky.) 

To implement a successful organic campaign that drove real action, it was essential for BFP to do so through unpaid influencers, sharing meaningful content that would resonate authentically with their followers (and our key audiences). 


Strategy and Execution

The Biden For President campaign (BFP) created a two-pronged influencer activation approach, using trusted messengers (both major celebrities and targeted social influencers) to share social content in two waves across the 100 days leading up to the election that: 

We employed sophisticated analytics to identify and vet 1,200 influential voices who would best reach and resonate with key voter populations. For each wave we followed three key steps:


During the course of the campaign BFP engaged more than 90 influencers in an unpaid organic capacity to share content, resulting in: 

As votes were counted, the importance of our targeted focus became even clearer. Pennsylvania, Arizona and other states where BFP secured influencer content eventually helped to secure the most important result of all - a Presidential victory and a new administration ready to change the course of America. 


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Methods+Mastery, Biden For President


Entry Credits