The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 12th Annual Shorty Awards

The Roast of Alec Baldwin Original Digital Content

Entered in Multi-Platform Campaign


Our goal with this digital campaign around the Roast of Alec Baldwin was three-fold: to earn maximum video views and watch time for Comedy Central Digital, to drive revenue via our digital content (with sponsorshops, pre-roll, and mid-roll ads), and to promote awareness and tune-in for the Roast of Alec Baldwin. We set ambitious video-view goals for each milestone in the digital campaign, which grew as the Roast airdate approached.

Strategy and Execution

For the Comedy Central Roast of Alec Baldwin, we wanted to promote the Roast and maximize digital video views with original, social-first content. Using both new and established CC digital formats, our in-house social team wrote and produced several original Roast-themed videos that featured Alec Baldwin and Roast Master Sean Hayes. Videos included Alec Baldwin Reads Erotic Fan Fiction, Mini-Mocks: Times Square Alec Baldwin, As Seen On CC: Brass Balls, and You Didn’t Wanna Know feat. Sean Hayes, several exclusive red-carpet interviews, and a cut-for-time jokes compilation. We also released four compilation videos from past roasts on Comedy Central’s YouTube channel, including a video hosted by Jeff Ross in which he guesses who’s getting roasted in a given clip.


All of our Roast digital content – including both digital originals and clips from the show – earned over 100 million views and 2 million engagements across platforms, with 208 million watch time minutes on YouTube alone. We drove revenue through brand sponsorships and via pre-roll and mid-roll advertising.


Video for The Roast of Alec Baldwin Original Digital Content

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Comedy Central Digital
