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Special Project

Special Project
From the 12th Annual Shorty Awards


Entered in Multi-Platform Campaign


Problem: Everybody knows Lay’s. Everybody likes Lay’s. But very few people care about Lay’s. Although we’re a staple snack, Lay’s doesn’t feel meaningful or relevant in the lifestyles of today’s consumers.

Opportunity: Own moments, feelings, and/or insights that feel relevant to our audience and ladder up to the idea that “when Lay’s show up, people show up.”

Challenge: How do we win a place for Lay’s in the hearts of snack-lovers by making the brand feel relevant to their daily life?

We created five digital/social videos formatted for YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, each targeted to different audiences. We also created two trick posts, one for Facebook and one for Instagram stories.

The objective of these digital/social videos was to generate loyalty by showing how Lay's is a perfect part of everyday life. So, to demonstrate the magnetic pull of Lay’s chips, we created a series of targeted “Tablescapes” and trick posts. The stylized Tablescapes featured quick stories that nod to each target market through different, fun scenarios. The trick posts appear to be normal posts to begin, then reveal the great lengths people will go to for a bag of Lay’s.


Strategy and Execution

All assets were launched in sync on October 28, 2019 via a very specifically targeted media and creative personalization strategy. In collaboration with Google Audience Segmentation data, viewing patterns and preferences, each piece of creative was not only specifically built for each of the below segments preferred subject matter creatively, but targeted based on their online viewing preferences. Right moment, right message, right medium.



Pending results.


Video for Tablescapes

Entrant Company / Organization Name

BBDO Atlanta/BBDO New York, Lay's


Entry Credits