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Special Project

Special Project
From the 12th Annual Shorty Awards

Maybank #InspireGoodSG

Entered in Social Good Campaign


Maybank, Malaysia's largest bank and Asia's leading banking institution, has been in Singapore since 1960. For reasons beyond Maybank's control, the Singapore public have had a jaundiced view of the brand, resulting in low Brand Consideration. End 2018, only 4.8% were "brand-aware and would actively consider banking with Maybank". The Maybank's marketing team’s charter is to improve Brand Consideration.

So, what drives Brand Consideration (for Maybank)?

Maybank’s Brand Purpose, for a significant time now, has been to win hearts and inspire confidence with stakeholders, customers and employees through its commitment to treating its customers and staff with respect. Maybank believes in actively contributing to the building of vibrant communities and undertaking activities that positively impact people. We call this Humanising Financial Services”. Our Brand Purpose is not just a promise but the way we do business. Indeed external stakeholders already recognise this. Independently, new Research (by Brand Finance, 2018) amongst customers and prospects, has shown that improving awareness of Maybank’s Brand Purpose would be a significant driver of Brand Consideration.

We decided to take this research founding forward, to make people aware of our Brand Purpose. We knew we had to go beyond a simple communication exercise - there's little merit in just shouting out loud that we are a "humanising bank" or a "community and people centric bank".

So, we framed our objective as “launch a brand initiative that activates our Brand Purpose and meaningfully engages the public" thereby improving Brand Consideration, from 4.8% to 6%.

Strategy and Execution

Defining our Core Audience

We aimed to target the Affluent segment, aged 35-50 years old and young-at-heart. They are Digital and Social Media adept. While they pursue their careers and their daily lives, they are ambitious and passionate believers in causes (and want to do good for community and society). This is aligned to core target audience of Maybank- currently, and the future.

The Activation Idea – “inspire a sequential relay of good acts”

We wanted the activation to encourage and inspire the Singapore public to do good by rewarding them for their good acts- through a gift card (as a token of appreciation). We called this the #InspireGoodSG campaign.

Campaign mechanics were simple:

1. Once a person did a good act, (s)he receives a gift card (with a token reward of S$5/-), called the #InspireGoodSG card;

2. They scan the QR code on the card, to link them to #InspireGoodSG website (, and share their act of good deed;

3. They would receive a monetary reward of S$5 as a token of appreciation for their good deed - digitally and immediately. They could however, choose to keep it, or donate to charity; 

4. They then pass the card to whoever inspires them to do good; and 

5. Repeat #1. 


1. Energise and empower our core audience to act, to do good.

We launched the campaign with an energising infographic video on our Global CSR Day.


2. Make it simple and easy to act. Recognise and celebrate the meaningful acts, broadcast them to inspire and encourage more. 

We planned a simple digital-led journey - a QR code initiated landing on a microsite that hosted all the videos, acts, instructions, and a payment for the gift card reward. 


3. "Action speaks louder than words" - unleash the power of social media. As this is a campaign for and by the people, we were conscious to not spend our way out through media but to make it a groundswell. 

Our media spend, on seeding the idea at the start of the campaign, was insignificant. Our social handles had the highest "engagement rates" we had witnessed.


4. Partner individuals who are cause-led, to be our campaign ambassadors on a voluntarily basis without any commercial considerations.

Our influencers were not paid a dime. They used their handles to propagate, inform and cajole their followers.


5. Boots on the ground to jumpstart and support the movement.

Partnered credible government-linked organisations like Singapore Community Development Council and collaborated with NGOs/Charities like Food From The Heart, Daughters of Tomorrow and Community Chest - all well-known not-for-profit organisations whose mission is to serve their constituents.


6. Endorse and cross-support other brands and organisations that also do good. 


Our belief and hope were..

The #InspireGoodSG campaign would challenge the community to proactively to do good.

The acknowledging and rewarding would serve to inspire and encourage everyone to do more good.

It could foster a culture of gratitude and goodness, aligned to Maybank's Brand Purpose of HFS.



Performance Metrics of the #InspireGoodSG campaign:

- Exceeded objective of driving Brand Consideration.

- Attained high PR value of S$ 759,340, a 12X multiple on seed media dollars spent.

- Reached 241,829 people on social media across Facebook, Instagram and Instagram Stories.

- Garnered 2,039,126 video impressions; 212,329 completed 100% video views.

- Highest Engagement on our social handles (in FB and IG).

- Inspired 2,687 people to join the movement.

- Raised funds for 3 charity partner organisations.



Video for Maybank #InspireGoodSG

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Maybank Singapore Limited
