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Special Project

Special Project
From the 12th Annual Shorty Awards

DTS Stream Studio

Finalist in Location-Based Experience

Entered in Technology


Since 1993, DTS  has been dedicated to making the world sound better. Through its pioneering audio solutions for mobile devices, home theater systems, cinema and beyond, DTS provides incredibly high-quality, immersive and engaging audio experiences to listeners everywhere. DTS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Xperi Corporation (Nasdaq: XPER).

The DTS Stream Studio, a top tier experiential program for rising star broadcasters, is a custom-built studio hosted at Xperi’s office in Calabasas, California, which highlights the role DTS technology plays in the video gaming and streaming experience and creates meaningful sessions for streamers and their audiences alike.

Piloted in 2019, the studio's primary goal was hosting ten guests and demonstrating deep interactions with the gaming community. A secondary goal of the program was to provide additional visibilty opportunities for our customers and partners products.


Strategy and Execution

The DTS Stream Studio is now a core part of our overall gaming strategy. This program is unique in the gaming world and it helps establish authentic relationships with the stars of tomorrow. It also helps us promote upcoming product releases and inform new product development opportunities in the market.

A major key to building a program like DTS Stream Studio is the attention to detail which delivers an authentic experience. For that reason, the studio was built at one of our offices and developed in-house. Each component was hand selected, from the acoustic wall treatments, to the desk and décor, to the PC hardware themselves.

Likewise, each guest who is invited to the program is scouted and vetted by a small internal team using tightly defined quantitative and qualitative measures.

Beyond this, the experience for the streamer designed to be white glove, allowing them the freedom to create on their own terms. The studio is versatile enough to accommodate any setup or streamer preference. The studio manager is on hand at all times, even staying overnight on many occasions, to support needs that arise.


In 2019, eleven guests came through the studio between mid-September and late November. More than 270 hours of gaming content were produced during that time and DTS or audio was mentioned in livestream chat discussion every 2.5 minutes!

On social media, posts about DTS Stream Studio outperformed other brand posts by 50% based on engagement, a clear indicator of impact with the streamers and their communities.

Each guest streamer returned home from their trip to be surprised by a DTS Supply Drop, which is an individually customized set of gaming and streaming equipment created from insights gained while at the DTS Stream Studio. 


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