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Special Project

Special Project
From the 12th Annual Shorty Awards

Ad Council & Snapchat: Championing Kindness through ‘Because of You’

Finalist in Snapchat


The term “bullying” has become a catch-all term that doesn’t connect with teens’ everyday experiences, and the lines between “bully,” “victim” and “bystander” are blurred.  What teens are facing now is a general culture of meanness: rumors, drama, isolation from friend groups, harassment etc. That’s why the Ad Council partnered with Snapchat to support the Ad Council’s anti-bullying campaign, Because of You, encouraging teens to reflect on the power of their words and actions and consider their effect, both positive and negative, on others. For this partnership, the campaign utilized a mixed media package to encourage teens to reflect on their words and actions and champion kindness on Snapchat. The campaign ran throughout the month of October to align with Bullying Prevention Month.

Strategy and Execution

Snapchat’s creative team designed four custom filters that ran each week in October for Bullying Prevention Month, a custom sticker pack with 8 stickers that rotated in the sticker section of the app throughout the month, and three custom Snap ads for the campaign. 

The custom Snap ads optimized the Ad Council’s Because of You campaign creative for the Snapchat platform. The ads encouraged users to swipe up to view the longform "Honest Yearbook" video, a powerful film showing the incredible impact teens can have on each other. Other ads drove users to, which houses resources for teens and an interactive tool. 

During Bullying Prevention month, our custom ads, sticker pack and weekly filters served as a reminder to teens on Snapchat that their words and actions, big and small, can have a significant impact on those around them.


The four filters resulted in a total of 370.2 thousand impressions, 354.6 thousand swipes, 6.3 thousand uses, and an average conversion rate of 1.8%

The sticker pack resulted in 1.5 million picks.

The Snap ads resulted in 35.4 million impressions, 10.1 million video views, 7.4 million video completes, and 373.6 thousand swipe ups.


Video for Ad Council & Snapchat: Championing Kindness through ‘Because of You’

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Ad Council, Snapchat


Entry Credits