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Special Project

Special Project
From the 11th Annual Shorty Awards

Nx on Netflix

Gold Honor in Online Community


You can't be everything to everyone. We've all heard the saying, and it's something that Netflix suddenly realized was true. Launching thousands of new titles every year presented a major challenge: how do we cater to all of these individual shows and build meaningful fanbases for each of them. The answer? To not do that. Our solution: Show the world that Netflix knew how to speak geek and create a new destination that would be inclusive of the full spectrum of super-sci fi fandoms. Everything from Black Mirror to anime to Stranger Things would be welcomed with open arms in one glorious destination, NX.

Strategy and Execution

As a new Netflix editorial channel, we spent 2018 showing the world that we can speak geek. We had to convinces our geek fans that we know the in-jokes, the mythologies, and the conversations that have been going on for decades. Most importantly, even though we're a brand channel, we strived to become a trusted member of the wider geek ecosystem. That's why we covered SDCC and NYCC, where we live-tweeted, did in-person activations, created limited edition con prizes, and even shot original content.

On our channel we've spent the last year being both reactive to breaking news and anticipating what fans will be talking about. While we may be flying a Netflix flag, we don't shy away from the fact that like all geeks, we're into the latest films, TV shows, and video games regardless of who's behind the release. Our fan-forward daily content has ranged from editorial A/V pieces that highlighted all the insults traded by the main characters in Castlevania to memes that poke fun from our favorite moments from Star Wars and even twitter threads breaking down the latest in geek culture.

But from our very first welcome video created to launch NX to the last tweet that's gone up we've always made sure to bring value to the community. Whether it's breaking the latest news or just providing entertainment of all varieties we want to show up with something new and unique to offer at all times. We accomplish this by creating unique and diverse approaches to each of our social platforms, knowing that geek-content isn't monolithic across the board. Fans expect and demand different content per platform and by developing strategies for each of our platforms, we've been able to maintain a consistent and explosive level of growth that continues unabated into 2019.


In just its first 6 months of existence NX has solidified itself as the go-to destination for geek content in the Netflix universe for both fans and press. Our announcements of upcoming and in-development Netflix content have generated countless press clips that regularly cite NX as a source. Even our fun, one-off daily content has generated press and buzz in the geek community, as our creative is not just high-quality, but also extremely engaging and speaks expertly to fan communities in an authentic, exciting way.







Video for Nx on Netflix

Entrant Company / Organization Name, Netflix


Entry Credits