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Special Project

Special Project
From the 11th Annual Shorty Awards

Discover L.A. with Daniel Henney

Entered in Multi-Platform Partnership


To promote Los Angeles as the premier destination for leisure travel by creating engaging social media content that resonates with our target markets domestically and around the world.

South Korea was identified as an important growth market for Los Angeles and displays tremendous long-term potential. As part of ongoing efforts in the South Korean market, LA Tourism's primary objectives were to:

• Drive awareness for Los Angeles as a tourist destination, ultimately increasing South Korean Visitor traffic to the destination

• Create lasting organic & branded social media content generation

• Spearhead social conversations and digital virality through influencer generated word of mouth advocacy

• Generate significant press coverage

Strategy and Execution

Following focus groups in South Korea, we recognized the importance of collaborating with Korean-American actor, Daniel Henney, to work with us as a brand ambassador. We connected with Daniel and developed a social media content strategy that focused on his favorite places in Los Angeles. LA Tourism created a webisode style series that was in market for several months and featured on social and native platforms that generated significant coverage, primarily on Instagram. We also worked with a local South Korean Instagram account @travelholic_insta (750k followers) to promote the content on their channel as well.



15M total impressions
1M impressions on our best-performing Instagram post:

Visitation from South Korea has increased and is projected to grow by 20% over the next few years. There were more than 20 news outlets that picked up the story of Daniel Henney's favorite places in Los Angeles, including MBC, Grazia and Sports Chosun resulting in $50,000 of added value.

We grew our Instagram account from 400k followers to 800k followers. LA Tourism is now the city with the most Instagram followers in the U.S., surpassing cities such as New York and Las Vegas. There are now over 1M posts with the #discoverLA hashtag.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board


Entry Credits