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Special Project

Special Project
From the 11th Annual Shorty Awards

Citi Financial Wellness - Financial Services

Entered in Financial Services


Everyone wants financial wellness and success, but no one really knows how to get there.

People are either using short-term solutions that temporarily band-aid the problem, or banking on longer-term plans that just add unnecessary pressure and stress. But none of these are actually helping to alleviate all that pressure and bring true financial wellness in their lives.

So, although the wellness movement is nearly transforming every single industry, it wasn't as pervasive when it came to people's finances.

Which is why Citi decided it was time to take action and flip the script. Instead of focusing on short-term, isolated wins, we would focus on the bigger picture, the full journey, bringing wellness back into financial wellness.

Strategy and Execution

The pressure to do well was paralyzing people from taking the actions they needed to take to be well. Which gave us the perfect opportunity to flip the script. Re-frame the conversation. From an anxious-driven financial journey to a confident and feel-good one. Leading us to developing our unifying strategic platform of: Designed to help you feel well so you can be financially well. A platform that took the performance pressure off, enabling people to feel confident and secure about where they are and where they're going tomorrow. Because we know that when people feel well, they'll just do well.

With that strategy in place, we launched a digital and social campaign, in partnership with Well + Good and Citi's Life and Money content hub. The Well + Good program included custom articles, some which featured a video, email communications, social posts, as well as, online banners that drove to Retail Bank savings offers. The Life and Money hub content provided supporting financial how-to's via articles, as well as, online banners that promoted financial wellness features on the Citi mobile app.


Our efforts were a success. People loved our articles. Citi's content exceeded Well + Good time spent benchmarks by 24%, with home buying being the topic of most interest. Our editorial emails, sent out by Well + Good, also garnered click through rates of 3x higher than benchmarks, and the event drove over 300 attendees. Our custom content article placements also drove a 12% increase in Citi site visit intent via our Millward Brown brand study. Most importantly, we were able to shift the conversation to the positive–from an anxious driven journey to one that was about feeling good and confident, while driving an 8% positive lift in brand preference.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

PublicisOneTeam, Citi


Entry Credits