The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 10th Annual Shorty Awards

Sh*t LA People Say with Blake Griffin

Entered in Comedy Video


Red Bull's mission to give wings to people and ideas spans across many sports and culture communities, including comedy. Our objective was to credibly showcase basketball player and Red Bull athlete Blake Griffin's affiliation to the brand by empowering his passion project and establishing him as an Angeleno through strategic and regionally relevant comedy programming.

Strategy and Execution

By creating shareworthy original social content, we were able to capture a variety of target audiences in an authentic manner. Speaking directly to endemic basketball fans, general sports fans, comedy fans, angelenos, and Clippers fans, this single piece of hero content was distributed on Facebook and shared by key opinion leaders and media partners. Through this distribution method we were able to generate a guaranteed network effect that would extend reach to the different target audience segments and garner incremental impressions. In particular, the video asset was created with a social-first mentality that was fully optimized to respond to the needs of social consumer and thumb-scrollers. By enacting social best practices and taking into account insights based off social platform preferences we created an elevated social content experience that was effective regardless of user environment or level of context.


The single video amassed a total of 10 million+ organic video views and was watched for over 6 million minutes. The post was most popular in the California region but was shared and engaged with globally a total of 410,000 times. The piece of content generated massive media buzz, receiving over 20 million media impressions across web and broadcast further driving local relevance surrounding Blake Griffin yet making a global social splash.


Video for Sh*t LA People Say with Blake Griffin

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Red Bull Media House


Entry Credits