In celebration of The Pony Event of the Century, aka the theatrical release of My Little Pony: The Movie, Digital Media Management partnered with Lionsgate Entertainment to create a magical and informative baking video designed for fans of all ages to join in on the pony party...and make something deliciously fun in the process!
Supporting the larger marketing message of encouraging fans of My Little Pony: The Movie to make an event out of the theatrical release of the film, the instructional video showcased a family-friendly dessert perfect for a pre or post movie snack.
With the objective of encouraging fans to make the release of My Little Pony: The Movie an event in their household, Digital Media Management developed the concept of instructional baking videos to prepare for the party. We partnered with social-media friendly baking company Foodstirs to develop some pony-rific goodies that highlighted the authentic, organic, and never genetically modified ingredients that produced flavors as energetic and vibrant as the ponies themselves!
We created a unique hybrid video that was part baking tutorial, part movie marketing spot. The video seamlessly blended its baking instructions and with film assets, creating the impression that the ponies were helping decorate the desserts!
The target audience of this Facebook video was the moms of children who would want to see the film. Our partnership with an organic and sustainable baking company increased the appeal of the recipe to moms who would be interested in a healthy alternative to sweet treats.
The My Little Pony: The Movie Rainbow Dash Sweet Sonic Rainboom video hit every single one of our marks:
From the beginning, we knew that this video would be a standout moment in terms of bringing success to the social campaign. It elevated our campaign to a level that helped make My Little Pony: The Movie not just a movie, but a must-see event for the whole family!