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Special Project

Special Project
From the 10th Annual Shorty Awards

Hidden Valley’s Ranch Outlet

Finalist in Brand Identity

Entered in Multi-Platform Campaign


In 2017, to support the launch of Hidden Valley's new brand positioning, "Ranch Out" and help take ranch beyond a dressing, we inspired people to celebrate their love for ranch, by opening the first-ever Hidden Valley online merchandise store; The Hidden Valley Ranch Outlet (

To feed people's passion for America's favorite dressing throughout the year, we executed a campaign with two key pulse periods, driving culturally relevant connections to ranch fans. First, we capitalized on the foodie holiday, National Ranch Dressing Day, followed by a second wave of activity during the popular gifting holiday season in December, offering two unique moments for ranch lovers to get involved and Ranch Out with Hidden Valley.

Strategy and Execution

We wanted to put a stake in the ground for Hidden Valley and draw attention to the brand on National Ranch Dressing Day in unprecedented ways for the brand. Hidden Valley has a hugely passionate fan base and people find new ways to use ranch to elevate the flavor of foods, even integrating ranch fountains at weddings and creating ranch-themed costumes for Halloween and special occasions. We know that ranch is so tightly woven into the fabric of American pop culture, so we needed to find a way to marry creativity with engagement, and an online store launch on a widely-known food holiday was the perfect platform. Since Hidden Valley's audience was already creating ways to express their love for ranch, we wanted to launch a collection of apparel and branded swag that fans would love; from statement tees and socks, to Christmas tree ornaments and phone cases. To continue the ranch party for all, we made a ranch fountain and a mini ranch keg accessible and available for purchase online and an exclusive run of hand-made bedazzled bottles.

Leading up to the food holiday (National Ranch Dressing Day on March 10) and then again during the traditional holiday season (between Thanksgiving and New Year), we began to generate awareness and excitement around the Ranch Outlet by engaging key audiences in a variety of ways. Knowing the brand's strong fan base, we outreached to media, consumers, and celebrities with slightly differentiating tactics, including:


National Ranch Dressing Day and the Holiday Ranch Outlet were an enormous success for Hidden Valley, ultimately becoming the biggest earned media campaign in the brand's history. The campaign delivered a 300% ROI and surpassed expectations and achieved program goals by:


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Current Marketing, Hidden Valley Ranch
