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Special Project

Special Project
From the 10th Annual Shorty Awards

Delta’s Big Thank You

Entered in Facebook Live


Ahead of a busy summer travel season, Delta Air Lines executives wanted to raise the bar in how they express thanks to their 80,000+ employees for their consistent excellence and commitment. With the help of Moxie, Delta's social media agency, the teams put their heads together and came up with an idea. An idea that would show Delta employees and fans all across the world how much Delta truly appreciates everything that their employees do. The idea was simple, we figured, "what better way than to 'simply' say thank you to each and every employee, one by one?"

"Simply" turned out to be big. Very big.

After weeks of planning, the end result was one of the longest Facebook Live events in history – a 50+ hour event thanking every single Delta employee by name with the help of Delta's global partners, executive members, and celebrities across the world.

Strategy and Execution

By leveraging Delta's partnerships, hubs, and global presence, we filmed more than 430 Delta business leaders, government representatives, and celebrities who were more than grateful to give their personal "Thank You" flair to all 80,000+ Delta employees around the globe.

With such a long broadcast, we wanted to ensure that none of the employees missed their time in the spotlight. The teams created a microsite that employees could log into and find out exactly what moment their name would air, and which personality would be reading it.

In addition to the 50+ hours of live thanks, the event also included a myriad of other activities. The event concluded with a mural from a local artist that was gifted to Delta employees and permanently installed at Delta's Atlanta headquarters.


The Big Thank You activation had quite an impact on the Delta community. With one of the longest Facebook Live events in history, it was picked up by tons of news and media outlets. Fans, employees, and customers alike joined the conversation with overwhelming positivity to share their gratitude to Delta, creating a remarkable energy within the online community.

The social metrics spoke for themselves, as almost 900k unique viewers tuned in to this once-in-a-lifetime experience. In addition, the microsite drove 78k clicks by employees wanting to find out when their name would be read!

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Moxie, Delta Air Lines


Entry Credits