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Special Project

Special Project
From the 9th Annual Shorty Awards

You Are One Of Us

Entered in Multicultural Community Engagement


Orlandi Valuta is a money transfer company trying to stand out in a marketplace with many competitors. The competition is investing heavily during key sending periods like Mother's Day, offering major incentives for people to send money with their service. Competitors are all offering similar products with similar messaging- everything looks the same. With a small budget in such a highly competitive category, Orlandi Valuta needed to stand out with a consumer messaging strategy to remind consumers to send money home throughout the year, not just during key sending periods like Mother's Day or around the Holidays to win their hearts in order to be top of mind. We refocused our communications strategy from only investing during key periods to investing consistently throughout the year with an "always on" channel in Facebook. We wanted to win their hearts with our Facebook content and win their minds with strong customer service in order to win the transaction at the Agent location.

Strategy and Execution

Orlandi Valuta is a money transfer company with a large business on remittances from the U.S. to Mexico. Our customers are hard working Mexicans in the U.S. who are sending money back home to their families. We launched a campaign with content that truly understands our customers. We speak their language and understand their culture because it's our language and culture too. We're one of you, and you are one of us. "Eres de los nuestros."

Within the "Eres de los Nuestros" (You Are One Of Us) campaign, the opportunities and ideas were endless. The goal was to build a community based on shared cultures and experiences. Our customers are recent arrival Mexicans living in the US, but they continue to live their lives the same way. They live in Mexican neighborhoods, speak mostly or only Spanish, and eat the same food they ate in Mexico. They have created their own version of home (Mexico) right in their own neighborhoods as a way of providing comfort and familiarity in the United States. We also strive to provide familiarity to our customers in an unfamiliar world, Orlandi Valuta is like your Mexican family here in the US. We speak your language; we eat the same foods and celebrate the same holidays. Our content spoke to all these different aspects of what it's like to be Mexican living in the United States.

Instead of investing heavily during key sending periods, we adjusted our communications plan to focus on an always-on Facebook strategy. We developed content streams best resonated with our fans such as family bonds that our customers share, slang and language used by our audience, Mexican creativity, among others. Within these streams were endless opportunities to show our fans that we don't just appreciate their culture like most other brands do, but we love their culture because it's our culture too. Our social media managers understand their target audience; this enabled them to engage with the fans in the comments in a very real, authentic way. We did more than just "like" their comments and say "thanks for sharing!" We joked, exchanged recipe ideas, and shared stories with our community of fans. Our fans loved the content we were posting, loved the way we engaged with them on the page, and as a result grew to love the brand. The "Eres de los Nuestros" Facebook campaign evolved and expanded into additional touchpoints: Point of Sale, display, radio, and OOH all communicated the "You Are One Of Us" messaging, bringing the brand personality offline in the daily lives of our consumers.


The Eres de los Nuestros campaign exceeded all expectations set for the page. In 2015, the page's engagement rate of 5.88% was already above average for the category at 3%. By the end of 2016, engagement rate was at a record high 9.32%- a 94% increase YoY. Our content directly contributed to the sharp increase in engagement, we saw a 437% increase in comments, a 290% increase in shares, and a 96% increase in photo views when compared to 2015. People LOVED engaging with our content, and our social media management style helped turn casual "likers" into "Superfans"- over 30 people commented over 100 times in 2016. Our content worked hard, strengthening the effectiveness of our limited budget.


Video for You Are One Of Us

Entrant Company / Organization Name

mcgarrybowen, Orlandi Valuta


Entry Credits