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Special Project

Special Project

Uterine Cancer Deaths are Rising - Early Warning Signs

Entered in Public Health


Uterine cancer deaths have been on the rise since 2010 with black women amounting to more than twice the deaths than other racial and ethnic groups. The average age of diagnosis is 63 years old. It was our imperative to raise awareness to our audience as uterine cancer deaths have surpassed those from ovarian cancer. We know that early detection is key for survival so our video shows early warning signs women should be aware of and to discuss with their OB/GYNs.


For this video, we worked with Dr. Sharon Malone, M.D., Chief Medical Advisor at Alloy Women’s Health and OB/GYN to former First Lady Michelle Obama for intentional information that is also digestible for viewers. This video was published during National Uterine Cancer Awareness Month in June to encourage women to look out for potential symptoms of uterine cancer.


This video was also translated to Spanish for better outreach to other racial and ethnic groups that have seen an uptick in Uterine Cancer diagnosis. Our audience is able to view this content on our website, app, Facebook and Instagram platforms. 



Video for Uterine Cancer Deaths are Rising - Early Warning Signs

Entrant Company / Organization Name

AARP Studios


Entry Credits