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Special Project

Special Project

Tobacco Stops With Me - The Cloud

Entered in Public Health


In Oklahoma, 1 in 5 kids are exposed to secondhand smoke every single day putting them at risk of life-threatening toxins and chemicals that can cause serious health problems and heighten their chances of future tobacco addiction. Oklahoma lacks comprehensive smoke-free laws, such as smoking in an enclosed car when children are present. Children should be protected from secondhand smoke whether they are exposed in a car, a restaurant, a friend’s house or even an object. Whether kids are at school or playing with their friends, secondhand smoke can reach these innocent children with just one puff of a cigarette.  Tobacco Stops With Me (TSWM) addressed this issue by creating a statewide media campaign, The Cloud,  designed to educate and build awareness among Oklahomans about the realities of secondhand smoke exposure for kids and the health issues these innocent children face.


The objectives for this campaign were to receive 1,500,000 video view completions across paid video tactics with a 60% completion rate and a 55% positive/neutral social media sentiment from 300 comments in the 12 weeks following the launch of The Cloud campaign.


Achieving these objectives would demonstrate that audiences were not only engaging with the campaign assets but also watching the videos in their entirety, receiving the full message. Success in meeting these objectives would also signify that the campaign was fostering meaningful discussions on social media about this crucial topic, furthering education, and helping to create advocates for change.


 TSWM created The Cloud to educate Oklahomans on the reality of secondhand smoke exposure for kids and the health issues posed to children. These messages were created and placed statewide through different marketing tactics such as, Television, Radio, Billboards, Print, Organic Social, TrueView Video, Over The Top TV, Paid Social Video, Promoted Posts and Website Click Ads. The campaign video assets messaged on kids being exposed to secondhand smoke, the health effects caused from exposure, the likelihood of future tobacco use and missed school. To execute these messages, TSWM created assets to be highly emotional and recognizable, to create a strong connection with the audience, showcasing the harms of secondhand smoke’s impact on children through attention grabbing storytelling.


 Audiences were engaged through video and social assets, and were also targeted by the campaign’s other tactics for a well-rounded strategic approach that guided users down the marketing funnel towards increased engagement and a higher likelihood of advocacy.  The engagement would encourage them to take action and share the message with influential communities and fellow advocates. The campaign’s strategies, including the creation of video assets, were designed to captivate audiences, encourage positive discussions, and continued education and advocacy. By achieving The Cloud’s objectives, it would lead to these desired outcomes.


Millions of Oklahomans statewide interacted with campaign assets, ultimately educating themselves, considering potential action against this issue on the campaign web page. Not only were their viewers watching The Cloud’s videos, but they were sticking around for the entirety of the video. This shows how the videos were captivating and reached our audience in an effective way inspiring them to learn more about this issue.

The Cloud ran for 12 weeks and during that time the campaign videos experienced 2,514,192 full video completions, well over the 1,500,000 objective set. These completions accounted for 82% of all video views, exceeding the video completion rate objective by 37%. On social media, conversation resulted in a 73.9% positive/neutral sentiment from 496 social comments, exceeding the objectives by 34% and 62% respectively. These social conversations allowed for a healthy space for Oklahomans to learn more and prompt one another towards making a difference in their communities.

 This campaign greatly exceeded the objectives set which indicated progress towards creating a healthier future for the next generation of Oklahomans by protecting them from the harmful dangers of secondhand smoke and taking steps towards protecting their loved ones.


Video for Tobacco Stops With Me - The Cloud

Entrant Company / Organization Name

VI Marketing and Branding, Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust
