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Special Project

The Raptive Report: Protecting content creators in the AI era

Entered in Research Reports


Raptive's research report illuminates the urgent challenges independent content creators face as generative artificial intelligence technology evolves. The report's core idea emphasizes the need to protect independent content creators from the potentially devastating impacts of generative AI technologies developed by major tech companies like Google and OpenAI. As these companies leverage AI to scrape and repurpose creators' content without consent or compensation, Raptive's goal is to raise awareness among policymakers about the risks this poses to creators' livelihoods and the broader digital media ecosystem.

The report's development focused on achieving several specific objectives: 


Raptive brought The Raptive Report to life with a meticulously planned communications strategy aligning with its Creators' Independence Day in Washington, D.C. The strategy utilized storytelling, media outreach, and targeted advocacy to highlight the significant impact of generative AI on independent content creators and garner support from policymakers, the media, and the public.

On June 26, Raptive held a briefing at the U.S. Capitol to educate congressional staff, media, and civil society organizations about the challenges creators face due to unchecked AI development. This event, brought to life with a panel featuring six creators, coincided with the launch of The Raptive Report, a comprehensive data-rich analysis of the creator economy's socio-economic contributions. The report focused on the detrimental effects of generative AI, particularly technology that scrapes and repurposes content without proper compensation or consent.

Raptive engaged national and local media, including The Washington Post, Politico, Axios, and The New York Times. The company shared its AI Open Letter signed by over 12,000 creators and supporters advocating legislative action. Raptive used its media channels to amplify the message—blogs, social media, and direct emails to its creator network. The strategy included offering exclusive stories to top-tier press, pitching local creators' stories in key congressional districts, and organizing meetings between Raptive creators, executives, and members of Congress and their staffs to underscore the issue's importance.

Key features of the plan included offering exclusive stories to top-tier media outlets, pitching creators' stories to local media in key congressional districts, and coordinating meetings with Raptive creators, executives, and members of Congress to emphasize this critical issue.

Through consistent messaging strategically distributed across platforms, Raptive highlighted the many diverse voices within its creator network to emphasize the human impact of AI on livelihoods.

One significant challenge Raptive faced was cutting through the noise in a media landscape saturated with AI and tech innovation discussions. To overcome this, Raptive emphasized the human, emotional element of the issue, showcasing personal stories from creators directly affected by AI's encroachment on their content. By humanizing the issue, Raptive brought the abstract threat of AI to life, making it tangible and relatable. For example, creators like Toni Lipsey, founder of TL Yarn Crafts, are among the 200 million individuals in the U.S. whose livelihoods are at risk due to AI-driven changes. Toni met with her representatives in Washington, D.C., to share how she built her business. She emphasized how AI negatively impacts her business, from original patterns that surface in search results without attribution to a loss of monetizable search traffic. 

Another challenge was reaching a broad audience in Washington, D.C., and nationally. Raptive addressed this by strategically targeting national media outlets and local publications in Congressional districts where creators had strong followings. This approach helped to generate broad-based support and increased the pressure on policymakers to take action.

Through careful planning, strategic execution, and creative problem-solving, Raptive successfully advanced the cause of independent creators in the age of AI.


The Raptive Report advanced Raptive's mission to raise awareness about the growing threats AI poses to independent creators. It shared proprietary data on AI’s impact on the creator economy, called for legislative protection, and amplified creators' stories. Raptive's Open Letter, signed by over 12,000 creators and supporters, reinforced its influence within the creator community and its ability to mobilize support for important causes. 

To further its efforts, Raptive hosted the "Independents’ Day" event in Washington, D.C., introducing the Report with a panel discussion with six Raptive creators, who also met with lawmakers, congressional staff, and media to spotlight creators' concerns. These discussions helped drive Raptive’s goal of educating policymakers about AI's risks.

The Report's launch received media coverage in outlets like The Washington Post and Axios, boosting public awareness. Raptive’s message also reached a wider audience through its social media channels and creator networks. With significant media attention, Raptive emphasized the emotional and human aspects of the AI issue, resonating with the public and lawmakers alike.

In September, eight Senators sent a letter to the DOJ and FTC, urging them to investigate whether new generative AI features violate antitrust laws and pose risks to competition in digital content.


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