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Special Project

Special Project

The Lost Olympians

Entered in Podcast


We set out to make a podcast that could not only entertain but inform. The Lost Olympians was the perfect narrative for both ATTN: and Iron Ocean to tackle. At ATTN: we break down important societal topics and conversations into digestible, entertaining content and Iron Ocean tells compelling female stories. We were both drawn to Lesley’s story as it teaches the listener about apartheid through a very personal and engaging narrative through the universality of sport, while featuring a female perspective.  

We created  THE LOST OLYMPIANS - 4 part audio documentary about apartheid-era South Africa and how sport organized people against the regime.  In 1971, 12-year-old Lesley Cairns was a South African swimming phenom with big Olympic dreams. But because she was classified as "coloured" by the apartheid regime, you won’t find her swimming scores in the record books. Or anywhere. She crossed a line she didn’t know existed—one that led to a harrowing visit from the secret police. In this four-part series, Lesley and her brother, Patrick Cairns, dive into a family secret that reveals the role that sport played in their country’s liberation movement.


To tell this story, our strategy was to utilize Leslie’s story as the spine of our podcast and then to zoom out to tell the geo-political story about apartheid and how the people of South Africa used sports as an act of resistance. We also wanted to create a record of a story not told before.  We told the story through a conversation with Pat (brother and co-narrator) and Lesley (protagonist and narrator) and as we see through the podcast, some of the conversation is happening for the very first time between them. 

Under the apartheid regime, the state kept records, and the state kept only the records that they wanted to tell.  For instance, there was one printed record of Lesley winning an important meet, and the following day, police came to the home where the swimmers were staying and confiscated the papers from the previous day, then printed a correction.  We created this record of history by documenting the oral history of her family, as well as the oral histories of her teammates and contemporaries. We then used experts to corroborate the story with voices spanning the Globe, including the United States, South Africa, United Kingdom, Canada and India.


Because of The Lost Olympians, there is now a documented account of a young black female swimming phenom in South Africa during apartheid.  This Audible exclusive has a 5 star audience rating. The listenership hit every Audible in-house metric.



Entrant Company / Organization Name

Produced by: ATTN:, Iron Ocean Films, 1310 Productions, Audible


Entry Credits