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Special Project

Special Project

My Votes Creates Change

Entered in Video Series


With an important election cycle coming up that will shape the next four years of the nation, The California Endowment (TCE) sought to create a campaign displaying the power of voting. 

The bottom line message: We can use our vote to create a California for all. 

As Californians who are working to build a state where everyone belongs, voters can flex their collective power right where they live by advocating for local ballot initiatives, reading candidate platforms, talking to friends and family and—most importantly—making sure to vote. 

The goal of the ‘My Vote Creates Change’ campaign is to tie the act of voting and advocacy to tangible outcomes in Californian communities, as told through the first-person stories of TCE partners. 

It’s a positive and inspirational reminder that when we engage in democracy, especially at the local and state levels, we can protect our rights, expand access and opportunity, and build belonging for all. 

The ultimate goal is to drive voters to the booths in November. 


Our partners are the heart and soul of The California Endowment. The ‘My Vote Creates Change’ campaign was crafted to inspire and empower ALL Californians, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or immigration status, to harness the power of their voice and drive change in their communities.

In our quest to identify community leaders tirelessly working towards social equity, we aimed to embrace the diversity of all Californians.

Consequently, we collaborated with six remarkable leaders across the state, each championing different social causes:

By showcasing these diverse profiles, revealing their humanity and backstories, and explaining their dedication to various social issues, we sought to inspire all community members to use their voices to effect change, irrespective of their backgrounds or political beliefs. The essence of our message is that your voice is your vote, and through voting, you can create and bring about change in your community.

To spread the word, we created 6x30” Vignette Profiles of each key community leader set against a juxtaposed outdoor-studio backdrop to immerse the viewer into the world of our key leaders. We filmed at various locations throughout the Los Angeles and Fresno areas, where we were able to show the impact and reach these individuals had in their community.

The campaign also included a 1x60 hero collage spot of all these profiles, as well as billboards across California, merchandise, and other OOH installations. The videos were shared on the TCE Belonging website, TCE YouTube Channel, TCE Instagram, and TCE TikTok.


While this is ongoing through October, after 30 days the campaign generated 20.3M+ impressions, 28K+ clicks to the TCE Belonging website where people can interact with more content, 1.5M+ engagements, 5.9M+ Reach, 11.1m+ video views and 6.9M+ out of home impressions. 

Some of the campaign participants also shared what the campaign has meant to them: 

David Bouttavong

"I am humbled and honored to participate in The Belonging Campaign. I am Lao. I am queer. I am a proud son of refugees. I have a voice and a choice in this election. I belong here and so do you."

Kimberly McCoy

“Being a part of the Belonging Campaign was an opportunity for me to be able to share with my son the importance of using his voice and power to create change in our community. This is something that will be with him as he starts his advocacy journey."

Daniel Gonzales, Lucy Yale

“This was such an amazing opportunity! I cannot be more grateful to bridge the gap between my drag and community advocacy. Drag is inherently rooted in community activism and it's so important to engage folks that look like me to get out to the polls affecting change in the electorate to ensure our livelihoods are protected. I'm so excited to share this opportunity with the community in the hope to continue conversations around the importance of local elections.” 


Video for My Votes Creates Change

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Ruder Finn, Raygun, M Entertainment, The California Endowment


Entry Credits