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Special Project

Special Project

Sign to Smile

Entered in Disability Awareness


Happydent Sign To Smile campaign had the following objectives:

The "Sign to Smile" campaign focused on inclusivity and awareness by hosting a unique stand-up comedy event. The show featured top comedians and a hearing-impaired artist, with real-time Indian Sign Language (ISL) translation, ensuring full accessibility for all audiences. This event was recorded and turned into a Digital Video Campaign (DVC), amplified across digital platforms to maximize its reach and impact.


The "Sign to Smile" campaign was crafted to raise awareness about the hearing-impaired community while promoting Happydent’s values of inclusivity and social responsibility. Our strategy focused on creating an engaging and respectful experience that resonated with both hearing and hearing-impaired audiences.


Plan of Action:

1. Concept and Partnership:

   - We partnered with seven top Indian comedians and one hearing-impaired artist to create a silent comedy show—a novel approach to inclusivity.

   - A 10-minute set performed by a hearing-impaired comedian added authenticity, engaging audiences on a personal level.


2. Inclusive Event Execution:

   - To make the event accessible to all, we collaborated with an Indian Sign Language (ISL) translator for real-time translations. This ensured the hearing-impaired audience could fully participate.

   - The event was recorded and produced as a Digital Video Campaign (DVC), extending its reach and impact beyond the live performance.


3. Influencer and PR Strategy:

   - Influencers in the comedy and social advocacy spaces were engaged to share the event on digital platforms, effectively reaching our audience.

   - The campaign also secured extensive media coverage, enhancing visibility and generating positive sentiment for the brand.


Challenges and Solutions:

- Awareness and Sensitivity: Ensuring the campaign was sensitive and respectful was crucial. We engaged with the hearing-impaired community during planning to ensure authentic representation and avoid negative backlash.


- Inclusive Experience: The logistical challenge of making the event enjoyable for both hearing and hearing-impaired audiences was addressed by using a sign language interpreter and involving a hearing-impaired performer.


- Brand Love: Translating the event’s positive sentiment into brand love was achieved by highlighting Happydent’s commitment to social causes in all communication materials.


Key Features and Uniqueness:

- The silent comedy concept was unique, memorable, and one of a kind in India, setting the campaign apart.

- The focus on inclusivity and the direct involvement of the hearing-impaired community added depth and authenticity.

- The strategic use of influencers and digital platforms ensured wide and diverse reach, effectively communicating the brand’s message.


The "Sign to Smile" campaign was a successful blend of thoughtful strategy and inclusive execution, resulting in a distinctive and impactful project that deeply resonated with our audience.



The "Sign to Smile" campaign not only met but exceeded its objectives, showcasing the power of purposive marketing and enhancing Happydent’s brand equity. Our primary goals were to foster brand love on digital platforms, raise awareness about the challenges faced by the hearing-impaired community, and position Happydent as a brand synonymous with inclusivity and positivity.

The results speak volumes:

In summary, the "Sign to Smile" campaign not only achieved its objectives but also strengthened Happydent's purposive personality, connecting deeply with consumers and establishing the brand as a leader in socially responsible marketing.



Video for Sign to Smile

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Schbang, Happydent India


Entry Credits