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Special Project

Special Project

Reaching New Heights with The Space Race: The Untold Stories of NASA's Black Astronauts

Entered in Racial Equality


The driving idea behind "The Space Race" impact campaign was to highlight the untold stories of pioneering Black astronauts who faced and overcame systemic racial barriers to reach the stars, and to inspire future generations to pursue STEAM careers. 

By amplifying these narratives, the campaign aimed to redefine what it means to have "the right stuff" and to challenge the dominant historical canon that has often excluded the contributions of BIPOC Americans in space exploration.

Our specific goals were:

  1. Educate and Inspire – To engage diverse audiences in meaningful dialogue about racial equity in the field of space exploration and to use the stories of Black astronauts as a catalyst for change, particularly in underrepresented communities.
  2. Empower and Mobilize – To empower educators, community leaders, and organizations to host screenings and discussions, thus fostering awareness and encouraging action toward racial equality in STEAM fields.
  3. Create Lasting Impact – To establish partnerships with educational institutions, nonprofits, and community groups, supporting a sustained movement that opens pathways for underserved youth to explore careers in STEAM and amplifies the efforts of organizations promoting racial justice in these fields.

Through a combination of global grassroots screenings, partnerships, and educational resources, "The Space Race" sought to cultivate a deeper understanding of racial equity and inspire the next generation of diverse innovators and explorers.



To bring "The Space Race" campaign to life, Picture Motion, in partnership with the National Geographic team, developed a multi-faceted strategy focused on education, community engagement, and partnerships to amplify the film's powerful message about racial equity in space exploration. 

Our campaign centered around a nationwide grassroots screening tour, a tailored discussion and action guide, and strategic partnerships with educational institutions, nonprofits, and community organizations.

  1. Grassroots Screening Tour: We launched a screening tour across 125 locations in the United States, Canada, and Australia, with a focus on reaching schools, community centers, museums, and STEAM-focused organizations. Each screening was equipped with a comprehensive host toolkit, including promotional assets, a discussion and action guide, and customizable materials to foster action & engagement. We partnered with local educators, activists, and community leaders to host these events, ensuring the film reached diverse audiences.
  2. Discussion and Action Guide: To deepen engagement, we created a discussion and action guide that included questions to provoke thought and dialogue, historical context on Black astronauts, and resources for further learning and action. The guide was translated into Spanish to broaden accessibility and was distributed to all screening hosts.
  3. Partnerships and Community Engagement: We collaborated with organizations like Black Girls Do Science, the Canadian Black Scientists Network, Australian Remote Operations for Space and Earth (AROSE), the Los Angeles Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department, and chapters of the NAACP to promote screenings and host events. These partnerships enabled us to tap into existing networks and communities committed to racial justice and STEAM education. We also worked with key influencers and community leaders to activate their audiences and promote the film.
  4. Digital Promotion: We utilized social media platforms and digital tools to reach broader audiences. By promoting the Disney+ streaming release, we maximized visibility and engagement online. Additionally, we developed digital assets like QR codes and virtual engagement forms to streamline the screening request process and gather audience feedback.

Challenges Faced and Overcame:

Unique Features of the Campaign:

What made this campaign unique was its holistic approach to impact. By combining in-person screenings with digital engagement and a strong emphasis on community partnerships, we created a dynamic campaign that not only educated audiences but also inspired real-world action. The campaign’s focus on untold stories of Black astronauts as catalysts for discussions on racial equity in STEAM was both timely and groundbreaking, creating a blueprint for using film to drive social change in underrepresented communities.



Our campaign for "The Space Race" met and exceeded our objectives by successfully educating, empowering, and inspiring diverse audiences to explore racial equity in space exploration and STEAM fields. Through our grassroots screening tour, we reached over 15,000 individuals across 125 screenings in 32 U.S. states and 3 countries, fostering meaningful discussions and generating 1,382 post-screening surveys.

Our partnerships with various social impact organizations and educational institutions  amplified our reach, engaging communities traditionally underrepresented in STEAM. The campaign's discussion and action  guide, translated into Spanish and widely distributed, empowered educators and community leaders to facilitate conversations on racial justice and representation in STEAM.

The feedback from audiences and hosts confirmed that we inspired new interest in space exploration and awareness of the contributions of Black astronauts. Over 97% of survey respondents reported learning something new, and 71% were students, demonstrating the campaign’s success in reaching and impacting the next generation.

We consider our efforts a success because we not only achieved our objectives but also built a sustainable model for future impact campaigns. The campaign sparked a movement of awareness and engagement, paving the way for greater representation and equity in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. 

The film and campaign's impact was further highlighted when Ed Dwight, the first Black astronaut candidate, featured in the film was finally honored at age 90 by being symbolically sent to space through a Blue Origin mission, a powerful testament to the film's ongoing relevance and resonance (LINK)​.



Video for Reaching New Heights with The Space Race: The Untold Stories of NASA's Black Astronauts

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Picture Motion, National Geographic


Entry Credits