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Special Project

Special Project


Entered in Nonprofit


The driving idea behind the #NotAnExCon video series by Urban Alchemy is to humanize and celebrate the stories of formerly incarcerated individuals who have transformed their lives and are now contributing positively to society. Urban Alchemy is an organization focused on transforming urban spaces through empathy and de-escalation and employs many long-term offenders (LTOs) as practitioners. These individuals, often stigmatized by their pasts, are at the heart of this series, which aims to challenge societal perceptions of formerly incarcerated people. By sharing their diverse stories—highlighting their roles as parents, friends, mentors, and more—the series seeks to redefine the narrative around reentry and demonstrate that these individuals are far more than their past mistakes. 

Our goal is to shift the focus from their history of incarceration to their current contributions, emphasizing that they are not defined by the label “ex-con. ” Instead they are integral members of the community who have found purpose and fulfillment in giving back.



The Not An Ex-Con series was created to tell the powerful and diverse stories of Urban Alchemy employees, from supervisors and executives to practitioners working on the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Austin, and Portland. Our employees are not your average workforce; they include individuals who have overcome significant adversity, including long-term incarceration, homelessness, and addiction. Some of our team members spent over 40 years in prison and emerged into a world that was entirely unfamiliar to them, especially with the rise of social media, which many had never encountered before.

The biggest challenge we faced was helping these individuals feel comfortable sharing their stories on camera. For many, the idea of being visible on the internet was intimidating, particularly given their past experiences with judgment and stigma. These individuals reentered society during a time when there was a growing recognition of the value of supporting returning citizens, but the fear of being judged still lingered. To address this challenge, we began by filming the first few videos with higher-level practitioners who had already developed a sense of security and confidence in their new roles. These initial videos served as examples, showing that participating in the series was not as daunting as it seemed. Once other employees saw their peers share their experiences openly and without fear, more of them felt encouraged to join the series.

To bring this project to life, our communications team played a crucial role in bridging the gap between the idea of the series and the employees’ understanding of it. A member of our team explained the concept of the video series to the Practitioners, many of whom were not familiar with social media or unsure of whom the audience would be. To make them more comfortable, the team showed them videos of Urban Alchemy leadership and other organizations that also work with returning citizens, providing context and demonstrating that their stories had a valuable audience. We were building their comfort in front of the camera. Whether it meant retaking the videos multiple times until the individuals felt at ease or simply taking the time to answer their questions, the team did whatever was necessary to ensure that each participant felt supported.

Recognizing that being on camera can be uncomfortable, our team also focused on making the interviews as impactful as possible by asking questions about their personal lives. This approach helped to humanize their stories and connect with the audience on a deeper level. The interviews didn’t just cover their history of incarceration or their current job roles; they also included advice for others reentering society. The Practitioners shared guidance based on their lived experiences, offering practical tips and encouragement to those who might be facing similar challenges.

By focusing on these elements, the Not An Ex-Con series evolved into more than just a collection of stories. It became a platform for our employees to share their wisdom, resilience, and transformation. The series challenges societal perceptions of formerly incarcerated individuals, presenting them not as ex-cons, but as parents, friends, colleagues, and community members who have found a way to give back positively to the society that once marginalized them. This work is a testament to the power of empathy, understanding, and the importance of providing a voice to those who are often unheard.


The results of the Not An Ex-Con series exceeded our team’s objectives by successfully humanizing the stories of Urban Alchemy’s employees and challenging societal perceptions of formerly incarcerated individuals. Our primary goal was to highlight the diverse and transformative experiences of our Practitioners, showcasing them not as ex-cons, but as integral members of the community who have overcome adversity and are now making meaningful contributions.

We consider our efforts a success because the series resonated deeply with both our employees and the wider community. Initially, many of our practitioners were hesitant to share their stories, but as the series gained momentum, more employees eagerly volunteered to participate, recognizing the value of their voices being heard. This shift in willingness to engage demonstrated that our approach was effective in building trust and confidence among our team.

The series also achieved significant engagement on social media, with almost 500 likes, 1,158 interactions, and 9,375 impressions across platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Along with heavy promotion on social media, the series was promoted through the organization's newsletters. The newsletter has an average of 52% open rate. This level of engagement not only reflects the interest and support of the broader community but also highlights the effectiveness of our messaging in reaching and resonating with our target audience.

The impact of the series extended beyond internal success; it also fostered greater understanding and empathy among our audience. The feedback we received highlighted how the stories helped to break down stereotypes and offered a fresh perspective on what it means to reenter society after incarceration. By focusing on the humanity of our practitioners and their journeys, we were able to achieve our goal of reshaping narratives and inspiring others who might be facing similar challenges.

Ultimately, the Not An Ex-Con series not only met but surpassed our objectives, establishing Urban Alchemy as a leader in creating opportunities for returning citizens and transforming public perceptions. The strong engagement metrics and positive feedback underscore the success of our efforts.


Video for #NotAnExCon

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Urban Alchemy


Entry Credits