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Special Project

Special Project

Indeed - Day in The Life

Entered in Educate


Indeed’s Day in the Life series aims to increase channel watch time and help improve discovery by providing a comprehensive look into the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities of real professionals in roles with high employer demand. It blends subjective perspectives and objective facts about showcased careers. These documentary-style profiles follow ethical hackers, healthcare workers, kitchen staff, and more.

The series conveys the message that the careers featured are challenging and rewarding and require dedication and hard work. These videos will showcase the unique personalities and experiences of the featured employees, highlighting their passion for their work and the skills, education, and experience needed to be successful in the role.


Indeed's "A Day in the Life" series was created to lead with humanity and highlight better work through storytelling. Through interviews with workers across various industries, this series aims to inspire viewers by showcasing real-life experiences and diverse career paths. The content is designed to provide insight and expertise, helping job seekers connect to better work opportunities. 

The jobs featured in the series are always chosen based on viewers' search inquiries on YouTube and Indeed’s business goals in mind. This selection process ensures that the roles are relevant and engaging to the audience and aligns with Indeed's goal of providing valuable and inspiring content to job seekers.

What sets Indeed's "A Day in the Life" content apart from competitors? Indeed’s use of data to identify the jobs featured in each episode. By leveraging data, Indeed highlights jobs that attract and entertain users on YouTube while also addressing current job market needs.

Despite all of this, creating the "A Day in the Life" series has still presented several challenges. One significant hurdle is finding employers who are open to allowing us to film on-site and explore the realities of working at their company. This requires A LOT of careful coordination, negotiation and we often film with a small team to maintain a low profile. We also always want to ensure the content remains as authentic as possible. 

Another challenge we’ve overcome has been showcasing healthcare roles. We know our audience finds value in learning more about the daily responsibilities, education and skills needed to succeed in these roles. Filming in healthcare settings means we have to adhere to strict privacy laws and regulations, such as HIPAA, to ensure that patient information is protected. This often means filming in controlled environments and implementing creative techniques to avoid capturing any identifiable patient information.

While we love filming real people at their real jobs, finding engaging talent can also be challenging. Our talent search requires a thorough selection process to identify individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also comfortable and charismatic on camera. ATTN: sources amazing talent and conducts talent interviews to make sure we find the absolute best people for this series.

As these challenges arise, our cross-functional team addresses them through continuous learning, expert-level collaboration and meticulous planning, ensuring that the series maintains its authenticity and high production quality first and foremost. While we aim to create engaging, inspirational videos for YouTube viewers, Indeed’s primary focus is on providing valuable insights and information to empower U.S workers in discovering their career path. And the comments speak for themselves:

"this is so awesome! very good for students to use and learn about their careers. I hope I can find many more videos like this for other careers. If not I'll be reaching out to see how we can get them made :)"

"Can we see what it would be like to see a day in the life of a registered nurse? I love this series!"

"This is really smashing, being able to see the context of someone's work and how they craft a day - and what they do is unbelievably helpful! 

"This is probably THE BEST "a day in the life" video I have seen. Great job"

Finally a REAL Day in Life!!! Keep it coming please!




A main KPI on the Indeed channel is organic watch time, which is also the sign of a healthy, organic YouTube channel. Since working with ATTN:, The Day in the Life series has garnered nearly 40,000 watch time hours and has surpassed the channel click-through-rate goal by 127%.

A secondary goal for the channel in the past year has been to grow an engaged subscribers. Indeed x ATTN A Day in the Life content brought in nearly 6,000 new subscribers to the channel.


Video for Indeed - Day in The Life

Entrant Company / Organization Name

ATTN:, Indeed

Entry Credits