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Special Project

Special Project

Encouraging Scots to savour their Scotch

Entered in Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign, Local Campaign


Awareness of recommended guidelines for weekly alcohol consumption remains low. Recent research from the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland revealed that only 32% of drinkers could correctly identify the recommended maximum weekly alcohol intake, with confusion persisting around the strength of different drinks.

'Made to be Measured' is a three-year behaviour change campaign by the Scotch Whisky Association, marking its first-ever consumer-facing initiative. The campaign aims to promote responsible consumption, encourage awareness of alcohol content, and highlight the importance of measuring drinks at home. It positions Scotch whisky as a product to be savoured, while also raising awareness of the Scottish Chief Medical Officer's low-risk drinking guidelines.


In response to a competitive pitch, ‘Made to be Measured’, was designed to resonate with the ethos of Scotch Whisky’s craftsmanship and drive awareness of alcohol unit consumption in a way that was meaningful to consumers. The concept emphasised the careful measure of time it takes to create whisky, while subtly integrating the message around responsible drinking and unit consumption. 

Initially, the brief was broad, covering all individuals over legal purchasing age (18+) in Scotland. However, through in-depth audience analysis conducted using YouGov and GWI data, we strategically refined our target to a more precise group where alcohol unit awareness was notably lower: adults aged 25-55. This age bracket, which we identified through data insights, provided an opportunity to deliver the message with greater relevance. 

By examining consumer behaviours and media consumption trends, we selected digital platforms that over-indexed against this audience, ensuring that our campaign met people where they naturally engaged. This insight-led approach set the foundation for a highly focused, multi-channel digital media plan that would maximise reach and impact. 

The campaign deployed a carefully curated mix of paid social media (Meta ads), programmatic display, and digital audio.  

Each channel was chosen to drive targeted engagement and amplify awareness: 

Through this strategically layered approach, we effectively reached our target audience, raised awareness, and drove meaningful engagement around responsible drinking. 


In 2023 (Year 1), the campaign achieved significant visibility, positioning the Scotch Whisky Association as a leader in responsible drinking.

Post-campaign research (by Jump Research) showed:

“I think it's got a good kind of no-nonsense, informative style, the carousel having comparatives between other alcohol I think is also quite useful. Like all the information you really need is in the ad.” research respondent.

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf noted:

“The whisky industry’s willingness to raise awareness of alcohol misuse and the health risks associated with high consumption of alcohol, through the Scotch Whisky Association’s ‘Made to Be Measured’ campaign, is very welcome”. 


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Smarts, Scotch Whisky Association
