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Special Project

Special Project

Embracing Emotions at Work

Entered in Multi-Platform Campaign


Our goal at Headspace is to enhance mental health in the workplace by providing practical tools for navigating everyday challenges. In collaboration with LinkedIn, Headspace developed an immersive content experience called "Life Skills: Emotions at Work." Co-created with workplace culture experts Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy, this series builds on their expertise from co-authoring the books "No Hard Feelings: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work" and "Big Feelings: How to Be Okay When Things are Not Okay."

The series comprised eight videos, each offering advice on handling work-related emotional stress, including burnout, confrontation, and criticism. Liz and Mollie designed this series to help individuals cultivate a positive mindset, transforming the inner critic into an inner champion.

We partnered with LinkedIn to give members access to this content through a two-month free trial of the Headspace app.


To bring "Life Skills: Emotions at Work" to life, we leveraged LinkedIn’s professional network to maximize impact. Partnering with renowned workplace culture experts Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy was central to our approach.

Our strategy began with comprehensive research to identify the most pressing emotional challenges faced by professionals. This informed the development of eight targeted video installments, each addressing specific issues such as burnout, confrontation, and criticism. The content was both relatable and actionable, ensuring that users could immediately apply the advice to their daily work lives.

Utilizing our in-house production capabilities at Headspace Studios, we collaborated closely with Liz and Mollie to script each video, focusing on practical strategies and emotional intelligence. We then leveraged high-quality video production to help drive engagement among our audience.

We launched a targeted marketing campaign across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and within the Headspace app, leveraging channels across both D2C and B2B to amplify awareness and education of the partnership. Channels leaned into compelling campaign visuals, teaser videos, and benefit-led messaging to communicate how Headspace x LinkedIn are meeting people where they are with tangible and approachable tools and resources to help them navigate everyday workplace challenges. This included teaser clips and expert interviews with Liz and Mollie. Further, discussion forums and live webinars via LinkedIn Live allowed users to engage directly with the content, fostering a community of practice around workplace emotional health.

We overcame the challenge of maintaining the delicate balance between providing expert advice and ensuring accessibility for all users by providing a two-month free trial of the Headspace app for LinkedIn members, which provided immediate access to the "Life Skills: Emotions at Work" series and also extended the value by offering additional mindfulness resources. This integration underscored our commitment to holistic mental health support.


Our campaign successfully met our team's objectives by achieving high engagement and awareness. Year-to-date, the collection has remained within the top 10 most clicked-through collections in-app, showing sustained interest. Push notification engagement consistently outperformed benchmarks, and LinkedIn posts drove significant traffic, with several posts far exceeding our benchmarks. Moreover, the App Store Optimization (ASO) event surpassed our conversion rate benchmark.

The Headspace campaign resonated with members by prioritizing mental health in the workplace, inspiring relevant conversations, high poll votes, and appreciation for mental health tips. Engagement on LinkedIn and Instagram posts was markedly higher than average during the campaign. The above-benchmark comment rate reflected our audience's active engagement with content supporting mental health at work.

These results highlight our campaign's success in driving engagement, raising awareness, and fostering positive conversations around mental health in the workplace. Ultimately, this campaign normalized emotions in the workplace by bringing the topic to the forefront and destigmatizing the topic.


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