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Special Project

Special Project

Defender Service Awards

Entered in Automotive, Contest or Challenges, Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign


The Land Rover Defender, renowned for its toughness and reliability, is a favored tool among humanitarian and environmental organizations globally. For over 70 years, the Defender has been instrumental in global humanitarian efforts, navigating the toughest terrains on earth. 

Recently, an economic downturn severely affected charitable giving, with a staggering 7.5% drop in disposable incomes and meteoric inflation rates, leading to diminished support for critical nonprofit work. 

The Defender Service Awards (DSA) were created to both spotlight the capabilities of the car itself, while also showing the incredible work done by the non-profits who rely on it. At a time when non-profit organizations are in need of support, it was our duty to take the third edition of the awards even further than prior years. It was a three-pronged challenge: firstly, we needed to capture the attention of organizations and charities, making them aware of the award itself and to encourage their submissions; there was also the second issue of ensuring the submissions were of high quality, as it’s the incredible submissions that beget future success for the awards; lastly, we had to find the best possible way to encourage voting from the community, showing them the impact that their voice can have.


At the heart of Defender’s ethos is a profound connection with our customers’ commitment to social impact—a sentiment shared by 69% of our audience who are active donors and advocates for charitable causes. In recent years, though, as charitable donations in the US plummeted to a nearly 30-year low due to economic strains, the urgency for effective philanthropy has surged. Land Rover is committed to not just recognizing but also amplifying the efforts of those brave organizations that operate on the front lines with limited resources. By highlighting the pivotal roles these groups play, using stories of how Defenders are more than just vehicles but vital tools in their missions, we inspire our community to continue their generous support, making a tangible difference in countless lives.

The 2023 Defender Service Awards were crafted around the profound impact of non-profits, amplified through strategic media storytelling. We identified key areas that resonate with our audience using CRM data, shaping a content strategy that involved documentary-style videos and articles. These were disseminated through targeted digital channels, podcasts, and social media, transforming passive audience engagement into active participation. The media not only served to highlight the unsung heroes but also to embed the campaign into the cultural fabric, encouraging a dialogue around the importance of supporting such essential causes.

Our strategy harnessed the power of storytelling, reaching out through platforms where our audience feels most at home—like Men’s Journal and Surfer. We crafted articles and videos that not only revisited the profound impacts of past winners but also stirred emotions, connecting on a personal level with viewers.

Our campaign came to life through deeply human stories shared across various media platforms. We partnered with the Arena Group to produce captivating videos showcasing the transformative work of organizations such as Patriot Service Dogs (PSD). In this video, we see the tremendous work done by PSD: From one Army veteran’s touching story of how the service dog he was partnered with changed his life, to showing the day-to-day operations of the organization's co-founder, Julie Sanderson, and the specific ways in which the Defender helps relieve some of the stress of such important work. Each story was carefully placed across digital and social media to maximize emotional resonance and reach. Together with Outside Interactive, we created the Defender hub, a vibrant online space where people could connect with the narratives of Appalachian Bear Rescue and Mercy Chefs.

With Hearst, we chronicled the journey to the DSA Gala through engaging podcasts, bringing listeners closer to the heroes behind the wheel, celebrating their contributions, and inspiring broader community involvement. This approach ensured that every piece of content not only informed but also moved people, driving them to action and deepening their connection with the Defender brand.

These stories weren't just shared; they resonated, touching hearts and inspiring action. By showcasing these touching narratives, we galvanized a community of supporters and drew in a wider circle of non-profits, bolstering their crucial work with new partnerships and broader visibility.


This year's Defender Service Awards resonated deeply within our community, bringing together a diverse group of unsung heroes at the DSA Gala to celebrate their extraordinary contributions. The campaign achieved remarkable engagement, with 650 heartfelt video submissions and over 2,239 referrals, showcasing the broad spectrum of positive impacts made by these organizations.
Voter participation was enthusiastic, with 450,000 votes cast, driving over 700,000 visits to our campaign hub and generating over 1 billion earned media impressions. The highlight was awarding six customized Defender 130 vehicles and $25,000 to each of six exceptionally deserving nonprofits, further supported by $7,500 grants to all finalists, affirming our commitment to fostering lasting social change.

Since the awards, the winning nonprofits have received increased support from their donor bases and beyond. Kairos Adventure, one of our winners, wrote that they have “seen an increase in donations, awareness and program enrollment.” They also had donors who doubled their donations and several new donors that got involved after learning about them through the DSA. Another of our winners, the Youth Sports Alliance, reported that the “national exposure has lead to ... being invited to apply for bigger national grants” and added that they “have been awarded bigger and new grants in the last 6 months.” The continued reach and impact of the DSA, and of the Defender itself as it’s used by these incredible organizations, exemplifies Land Rover’s unwavering commitment to fostering lasting social change.


Video for Defender Service Awards

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Hearts & Science, Jaguar Land Rover


Entry Credits