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Special Project

Special Project

DBS People of Purpose: Volunteer Engagement

Entered in Employee Engagement


At DBS, we recognise that our license to operate comes from civil society and companies have a significant role to play in addressing society’s challenges. DBS' employee volunteer movement, People of Purpose (POP), brings our values to life, to create impact beyond banking by engaging employees to volunteer time and skills and contribute meaningfully to our communities.

We work with key partners in our 6 core markets across APAC (SG, CN, HK, ID, IN, TW) to drive initiatives focused on the themes supported by the DBS Foundation, which are fostering inclusion, providing daily needs and supporting businesses for impact. Our programmes also center around the key focus of elderly, education, and environment.

In a post-pandemic world, we saw communities face disrupted livelihoods and rising social inequity, highlighting the need to scale efforts in our key focus areas. Since 2022, we rallied our employees to focus on:

We also encouraged volunteerism by enhancing the volunteer journey for employees. Through the PoP volunteer movement, we saw employees coming together to work towards a common goal of making their world a better one.


We believe companies like ours play a crucial role in addressing societal and sustainability challenges. Collective effort across sectors, including our employees and communities, is essential. Our PoP volunteering in key markets focuses on elderly care, education, environment, inclusion, and daily needs. Through 2050 events run in 2023, we engaged our employees and leveraged their time and skills to make meaningful contributions. As needs vary across different markets, we worked closely with likeminded partners in local communities to identify the gaps to address. Key initiatives in some of our core markets include:

1. Singapore

2. Hong Kong

3. Taiwan

4. Indonesia

We continue to focus on fostering a culture of giving back, engaging and inspiring our employees in meaningful ways, and by making their volunteering journey seamless and fruitful through:

1. Inaugural PoP Awards 2023

2. Enhancing volunteering journey

3. Inspiring through storytelling


Without the commitment and dedication of our employee volunteers, we will not be able to collectively achieve the following in 2023:

In August 2023, we intensified our commitment to the community, setting aside SGD 1 billion over the next 10 years to improve the lives and livelihoods of the low-income and underprivileged. This is coupled with our commitment to contribute 1.5 million hours of employee volunteering, in tandem with our financial contributions.


As testament to our efforts, we received recognition for our employee volunteering engagements, e.g.


Video for DBS People of Purpose: Volunteer Engagement

Entrant Company / Organization Name

DBS Bank
