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Special Project

Special Project

You Belong: Oregon is Leading the Fight Against Hate & Bias

Finalist in Racial Equality


The Oregon Department of Justice Civil Rights Unit (CRU) kicked off its “You Belong.” campaign, a culturally- and linguistically-inclusive, statewide, multimedia public outreach effort to increase the awareness of Oregon’s Bias Response Hotline. The campaign deployed six public service announcements in three languages (English, Mandarin, and Vietnamese); radio ads; social media ads in 7 languages; billboards in Portland, Gresham, Beaverton, and Medford; and a social media influencer campaign.

SB 577 also established the Oregon Bias Response Hotline, the first of its kind in the nation. In 2020, Oregon DOJ’s Civil Rights Unit (CRU) launched the Hotline, a confidential, non-emergency line staffed with multilingual advocates trained to provide trauma-informed support and accessible in over 240 languages.

With a focus on safety, support, and options for survivors, the Bias Response Hotline also collects data to inform policymakers, law enforcement and the community about the extent of bias incidents and hate crimes in Oregon. This data-driven approach fosters inclusive environments by prioritizing communities impacted by inequity and implementing measures that uphold the dignity and humanity of every individual.



EARLY PR's collaboration with the Oregon Department of Justice's Civil Rights Unit lasted from June 2023 to the present day, totaling 13 months of dedicated effort. The campaign operated within a budget of $250,000, strategically allocated to strategy, creative development, production, and various advertising channels across billboards, radio, bus ads, digital ads, influencer marketing and PSA videos to maximize impact.

EPR created a comprehensive brand & style guidebook, over 40 captivating graphics, and six poignant PSA videos for the “You Belong.” campaign in three languages, with captions available in seven languages. The campaign is a culturally- and linguistically-inclusive, statewide, multimedia public outreach effort to increase the awareness of Oregon’s Bias Response Hotline. EPR deployed six public service announcements in three languages (English, Mandarin and Vietnamese) with video production partner LABS Media; radio ads in English and Spanish; social media ads in seven languages; billboards in Portland, Gresham, Beaverton and Medford; and a social media influencer campaign.



Quantifying the campaign's impact reveals its resounding success within the first performance month of the campaign. The billboards collectively garnered a staggering 1,586,120 views. Delving deeper into online engagement metrics, Meta Ads on Facebook and Instagram reached 122,647 individuals, accumulating 362,874 impressions and eliciting 284 link clicks at a competitive cost per click of $1.93. Across all months, Google Search Ads garnered 8,656 impressions, resulting in 133 phone calls and 436 clicks.EPR also transcreated multi-lingual assets to help the DOJ Civil Rights Unit achieve its goal of providing protected classes and victims of hate and bias incidents with the information, support, and resources available by law. So far, the campaign has secured nearly 20 news and media placements and reached 1,734,793 Oregonians via print and digital media advertising.


Video for You Belong: Oregon is Leading the Fight Against Hate & Bias

Entrant Company / Organization Name

EARLY PR, Oregon Department of Justice Civil Rights Unit


Entry Credits