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Special Project

Special Project

Break the Plastic chain_Snapchat_Location based AR

Entered in Extended Reality


The main objective of this initiative is to tackle the global crisis of plastic pollution by creating an Location based augmented reality (AR) experience that turns globally recognized landmarks into symbols of environmental action. In collaboration with Snap India, the goal is to immerse users in an experience that not only raises awareness but also inspires immediate and meaningful engagement. 

By selecting location of universal significance, the initiative ensures the message resonates deeply, making the issue both relatable and urgent. The ultimate aim is to drive active participation, turning awareness into real, lasting change in the fight against plastic pollution.




Strategy and Execution

We built our strategy around three key pillars

1. Leveraging a Universally Significant Landmark to Amplify the Message : 

We selected the Mahabalipuram Lighthouse, located within the 1200-year-old Mahabalipuram group of monuments, site of global cultural significance.As a modern beacon within this ancient landmark, it powerfully amplifies the urgency of addressing plastic pollution.
By using this iconic landmark, we made the issue more relatable and impactful on a global scale.

2. Designing a Transformative Experience:

Our goal was to immerse users in an AR interaction that vividly transformed their surroundings.  By witnessing the environmental damage unfold right before their eyes, we aimed to inspire immediate action.

3. Crafting Effective Interaction Design:  

We condensed the concept of breaking the plastic chains (beating plastic pollution) into a simple but effective interactionswiping on the plastic piles to break them, releasing the choking grip of pollution on light house. This intuitive action allowed users to directly engage with the issue, transforming the experience from merely informative to deeply personal and empowering.

This strategic approach was designed to amplify the message, make users witness the problem firsthand, and engage them in an effective interaction to inspire real change.

How the AR Lens Works:

  1. When users pointed their Snapchat camera at the lighthouse, they saw their environment filled with polluted air and the lighthouse choked by plastic waste.This made the severity of plastic pollution feel immediate and real.
  2. Users swiped on the plastic chains to break them, clearing the pollution surrounding the lighthouse. This simple gesture symbolized the breaking of the chains of plastic pollution, delivering  powerful message about the significance of individual actions in driving change.
  3. As the pollution cleared, the environment was restored right before their eyes. The same location transformed into a lush, green scene, demonstrating how individual actions can inspire real change and positively impact the environment.

Execution Steps:

  1. Digital Environment Creation: We crafted a detailed 3D replica of the lighthouse using 3D modeling tools, which served as the foundation for our AR visuals.
  2. Mapping and Anchoring: Snapchat’s Landmarker technology was employed to precisely map and anchor the AR content, ensuring it blended seamlessly with the physical site.
  3. High-Quality Visuals and Animations: We created lifelike 3D models, realistic VFX, and carefully crafted animations to deliver a seamless, immersive experience. 
  4. Optimization: We fine-tuned the AR content to maintain realism and compressed the immersive environment to under 6MB to ensure seamless experience on mobile device 
  5. Distributing the snapcodes for the users to scan and experience the activations 

Key Features:

This approach not only raised awareness but also motivated users to take meaningful action, turning a symbolic landmark into a catalyst for global environmental change.



The lens was a resounding success, engaging thousands of users who visually experienced the powerful message of our campaign, resulting in approximately 2.5X more footfall than usual.They didn’t just see the impact of plastic pollution—they felt it and actively participated in overcoming it.

The campaign turned the Mahabalipuram Lighthouse into a rallying point for action, inspiring users to believe they could be part of the solution. This Augmented Reality experience transformed passive awareness into active participation, proving that technology can drive real-world change. 


Video for Break the Plastic chain_Snapchat_Location based AR

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Itech Reality Studios, Snapchat X ITRS

Entry Credits