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Special Project

Special Project

Black Men Xcel

Entered in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Local Campaign


At Travelers, we’re committed to fostering an inclusive environment for all our employees. Over the years, we’ve encouraged employees from across the company to seek out opportunities that can help advance their professional development.

One of these opportunities is the annual Black Men Xcel Summit – the only conference in the country that showcases the successes and struggles of Black male professionals. Since its inception, Black Men Xcel has been a safe space for professional Black men to share their experiences and learn from each other. 

In 2023, for the first time ever, Travelers sent a group of Black men to the Miami Summit, where participants had the chance to participate in panel discussions focused on mental health, financial wellness, professional advancement and more. From all reports, the conference exceeded expectations – providing Travelers Black male participants with ideas for growing their careers and supporting the professional development of other Black male colleagues who couldn’t attend.


Because not everyone at Travelers can attend these events, our in-house video team was sent to the conference to capture our employees’ reactions to the Summit so they could be streamed across the company later. Key to our strategy was a video that would highlight the benefits of attending while reinforcing Travelers’ commitment to diversity, inclusion and equity for all.

The video team documented the conference from beginning to end. Onsite interviews of our own employees and conference organizers were conducted, and content showcasing the Summit’s inspirational energy was captured. Though we were not allowed to film the breakout sessions at the conference, we did collaborate with the organizing committee’s video team to ensure we had b-roll of all key happenings.


The Travelers’ Human Resources team credits the video with shining a bright, positive light on the growth and day-to-day experiences of our Black male colleagues. When the final version aired, employee groups across the company gave the video high marks for demonstrating Travelers unwavering commitment to the development of all its employees. And many said it boosted morale and appreciation of the Travelers Promise to Care for its employees, its customers and its communities.



Video for Black Men Xcel

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