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Special Project

Special Project

Black History Month Roundtable

Entered in Financial Services


This past Black History Month, J.P. Morgan Wealth Management employees united for an impactful roundtable discussion centered on the significance of community, education, and mentorship. The conversation was anchored by the powerful African proverb, “Each One, Teach One,” which emerged in the U.S. during a time when African Americans were denied education. This phrase encapsulates the responsibility of those who gain knowledge to pass it on, fostering communal growth and empowerment.

Our dynamic, multi-generational conversation was driven by the desire to humanize J.P. Morgan Wealth Management through diverse representation and authentic storytelling. We aimed to bridge connections across all organizational levels, encouraging employees to share defining moments in their careers, the legacies they aspire to create, and their experiences with mentorship. This dialogue was particularly important given the significant diversity gap in the financial planning industry; according to the Certified Financial Planner Board (CFPB), only 2% of CFPs are Black. By facilitating this conversation, we sought to inspire and empower viewers with a thought-provoking exploration of community and identity.



Our Challenge: How can J.P. Morgan Wealth Management create engaging and authentic content in the spirit of Black History Month?

Our Role: J.P. Morgan Wealth Management aimed to amplify our employees’ voices and empower the message of community and mentorship.

Our Strategy: We believe that mentorship and community are essential at every level in the workplace, regardless of seniority. This philosophy informed our strategy to include employees from all levels of J.P. Morgan Wealth Management in a discussion reflecting on their experiences with the phrase “Each One, Teach One.” This historic proverb emphasizes the importance of passing along knowledge for the betterment of the community. Additionally, we recognized the significant diversity gap in the advisor and Wealth Management industry, making this conversation even more crucial to foster inclusivity and representation.

Creative Purpose: Our creative strategy was driven by the power of impactful storytelling through a focused yet conversational video production. We arranged for our featured employees to sit together at a roundtable, facilitating meaningful and intimate discussions between colleagues turned friends. We aimed to convey the importance of taking the time to sit next to others who have walked different paths within Wealth Management and listen to the lessons and advice they choose to pass on to others in the community.

Execution: To ensure seamless execution, we leveraged a variety of internal communication channels to encourage participation. The roundtable discussion was meticulously planned to foster an open and inclusive environment. We provided panelists with guiding questions but encouraged them to share their stories organically. The event was moderated by a Market Leader, who ensured that the conversation remained focused and engaging.

Activation: We harnessed the power of organic social media and written articles to support the launch and sustain our presence. A combination of short-form videos (45 seconds or less) and long-form videos (60 seconds or greater) played a significant role in elevating the thoughts of our community members.

Campaign Components:

Challenges and Overcoming Them: 

One challenge was ensuring that the conversation remained authentic and impactful. To overcome this, we conducted pre-event briefings with our panelists to discuss the themes and objectives of the roundtable. This helped align everyone’s expectations and ensured that the discussion remained focused on the core message of “Each One, Teach One.”

Uniqueness of Our Work: What sets our campaign apart is its emphasis on storytelling and representation. By creating a platform where employees could share their personal journeys and insights, we humanized our workforce and highlighted the importance of mentorship and community. The use of the “Each One, Teach One” proverb provided a powerful and resonant framework that connected the past with the present, emphasizing the ongoing relevance of these values. Moreover, addressing the diversity gap in the advisor industry underscored the importance of these conversations in fostering a more inclusive and representative workplace.


Our Black History Month Roundtable videos garnered acclaim across multiple lines of businesses across the firm at JPMorganChase. Campaign efforts landed featured spots on both internal and external J.P. Morgan Wealth Management editorial websites. Additionally, short-form clips were featured across firmwide DEI communications, including newsletters, microsites, and social media pages. Social key performance indicators, such as impressions, comments, shares, and video views, all surpassed internal benchmarks across campaign posts related to this initiative. 37.4% more impressions, 69% more views, and 60% more shares. Our metrics are organic. The series received 41,051 total impressions and 19,610 total video views across LinkedIn. It received 3,224 total engagements across both LinkedIn and our Advisor LinkedIn Ambassador Program. Top comments include “This is one of the best content videos produced on the page yet! 🌟 ⭐️ ⭐️ So proud to work with Keith Henry James Martin Savoy Drummond Thank you for sharing your stories with us!” and “What a wonderful kickofff to Black History Month! I love the multigenerational comversation. It’s important to connect and learn from each other, no matter the age.”


Video for Black History Month Roundtable

Entrant Company / Organization Name

J.P Morgan Wealth Management


Entry Credits