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Special Project

Special Project

Big Tobacco’s ‘Fantasyland’

Entered in Awareness Campaign


‘Fantasyland' is a 360-degree anti-tobacco campaign launched by the California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP) in response to Big Tobacco’s continuous rebranding of the tobacco industry.

The CTPP sought to continue exposing the deception and disinformation woven into the Big Tobacco industry’s narrative. As such, the primary objective of the integrated campaign was to unmask Big Tobacco's false friendship and reveal its inherent fraudulence while educating Californians on the harms of vapes. 

The campaign strategically employed media buying and planning and leveraged impactful visuals to target a spectrum of target audiences, particularly those who had witnessed the societal harm caused by Big Tobacco in the past, those affected by the youth vaping epidemic, and diverse communities within which health disparities are often created by the industry.



‘Fantasyland’ featured a series of TV and online spots, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Emmanuel Adjei. These unfolded worlds of pastel serenity and high-tech allure, gradually peeling back to expose the stark realities of isolation, addiction, and harm, urging the public to see beyond the tobacco industry's facade.

The campaign consisted of a comprehensive media program, from linear TV and terrestrial radio to digital OOH, traditional OOH, print advertorials, digital video, programmatic display, paid social, and native online articles. High-impact outdoor units, strategically positioned near iconic California landmarks, including the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Sofi Stadium, and Golden 1 Center, amplified the campaign's visibility and impact. 

The campaign also ran on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, aiming to tap into the role these platforms play in countering disinformation spread by the tobacco industry, especially among younger Zillennial audiences. The campaign recognized that social media platforms served as the epicenter of disinformation, perpetuated by trusted family and friends, contributing to the tobacco industry's narrative. It seized the opportunity to shift conversations around tobacco in an accurate and impactful direction.

In collaboration with a African American/Black media consultant, the campaign engaged with over 30 Black-owned publications, running long-form advertorial insertions with the  aim of educating the audience about the disproportionate harm caused by the tobacco industry's tactics, acknowledging the unique challenges faced by this community.

Adding another layer of inclusivity, the campaign was transadapted into six different languages, addressing the health disparities created by Big Tobacco’s aggressive marketing and targeting of diverse populations. 



The results showcase the impact of ‘Fantasyland.’' In addition to media driving nearly 500 Million impressions, website engagement also reflected resonance with the campaign, which drove nearly 3 million landing page visits and 430,000 Educated Site Visits, leading to consumers inquiring about signing up for a community based anti-tobacco coalition, letters of concern to local policy makers, and social media sharing. The campaign not only exposed the disinformation spread by Big Tobacco but also set a powerful precedent in the realm of anti-tobacco initiatives.



Video for Big Tobacco’s ‘Fantasyland’

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Duncan Channon, California Tobacco Prevention Program
