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Special Project

Special Project
From the 8th Annual Shorty Impact Awards

Ranthambore - The Jungle Story

Finalist in Conservation & Preservation


Year after year, well in advance of the scorching summer, Ranthambore Tiger Reserve grappled with an increasingly dire water crisis. This problem was particularly acute in the outer zones of the reserve, where numerous ponds, essential for both the resident wildlife and the park's overall ecological balance, had withered away.

This water crisis presented an immediate and grave threat to the entire ecosystem within RTR. In response, the forest administration had launched efforts to replenish artificial water holes. However, the previous approach relied on diesel-powered pumps and water tankers, inadvertently causing disruptions to the delicate ecological equilibrium that the reserve desperately needed.

The core objective and unwavering aim of Astral had been to step in and tackle this critical challenge head-on. Astral's mission had been to effectively conserve and protect these invaluable forests and, in the process, restore the natural ecological harmony that was essential for the well-being of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve.


Strategy and Execution


Water availability in the plateaus had always been a scarce resource. In the past, the essential water needs of wild animals were met by the cumbersome process of transporting water via tankers and tractors. Regrettably, this method not only posed logistical challenges but also significantly disrupted the local wildlife.

In pursuit of Astral Foundation's mission to conserve the forests and reinstate the delicate ecological balance, Astral Foundation embarked on a transformative initiative. A 50-kilometre-long pipeline network, powered by solar pumps, was established, seamlessly weaving across the plateaus, drawing water from the nearest ground sources. This innovative approach dramatically reduced the carbon footprint.

Furthermore, Astral Foundation's commitment to addressing the water shortage for wildlife remained unwavering. To this end, Astral Foundation augmented 40 water holes, strategically placed to ease the water scarcity for the local wildlife population. The collective efforts are not just about conserving nature but also about harmonizing our relationship with it for a more sustainable future.


Astral Foundation has crafted a compelling video narrative that masterfully showcases their pivotal role in restoring the ecological balance at Ranthambore. This captivating video paints a vivid picture of the park's natural beauty, capturing the flourishing flora and fauna during the monsoon and winter seasons.

However, the narrative takes a poignant turn as it delves into the harsh realities of the scorching summer season. It unveils the stark truth about the water crisis and the detrimental effects of noise pollution and ecological depletion. Here, the video underscores Astral Foundation's instrumental role in addressing these formidable challenges.

At the heart of this transformation lies a 50-kilometer-long pipeline network, ingeniously powered by solar pumps. This innovative solution emerges as a beacon of hope for the park's struggling ecosystem, promising a brighter future.

The video has deeply resonated with our digital audience, leaving a lasting impact. It was strategically leveraged on YouTube and amplified through various social media platforms, ensuring its message reached far and wide.

Watch the Video:



Astral Foundation holds an unwavering commitment to environmental and water conservation, and this campaign marked a significant stride in that very direction. The Rann-Khemchakund Project stands as a groundbreaking endeavor in Rajasthan, pioneering the use of solar power for such conservation efforts. Through this campaign, the Astral Foundation has played a pivotal role in safeguarding forests and rejuvenating the ecological equilibrium within the reserve.

This project holds historical significance as it established the cornerstone for wildlife conservation on these plateaus. It is an impactful human-interest narrative that has resonated with an impressive audience, reaching and engaging with over 1 million people across the internet.



Video for Ranthambore - The Jungle Story

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Astral Foundation
