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Special Project

Special Project
From the 8th Annual Shorty Impact Awards

Oscars American Sign Language YouTube Livestream

Finalist in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


To enable the American Sign Language Community the opportunity to enjoy the milestone 95th Oscars with an enhanced experience with American Sign Language (ASL) delivered by Deaf Interpreters.

Strategy and Execution


In efforts to spread awareness and provide authentic messaging to the American Sign Language Community we: 

Worked with Daniel Durant from the 94th Oscars Best Picture film 'CODA' to create a promotional video directing his ASL audience to the YouTube Livestream.

The ASL Interpreter team promoted the livestream as well: Topher González Ávila, April Jackson-Woodard, Jordan Lopez, and Jonathan Webb Coordinated in collaboration with LaVant Consulting, Inc.

Worked directly with ABC and YouTube to feature the Livestream across their channels.

Highlighted the Oscars American Sign Language YouTube Livestream across Academy social channels.



Video Views: 1.9M (+443% YoY)

Concurrent Viewers: 36K peak (+700% YoY)

2nd most watched YouTube Livestream in the history of the Oscars YouTube Channel.


Video for Oscars American Sign Language YouTube Livestream

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Oscars)
