The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Awards

It's Time to be a Red Raider

Entered in Education


"It's Time to be a Red Raider" is a truly integrated campaign using both direct mail and social media to encourage prospective freshman students to take the final step and enroll at Texas Tech University. The campaign used a self mailer with a mustache resembling Texas Tech's mascot, Raider Red's, that prospective students could punch out of the mailer to use to show their Texas Tech spirit through selfies. The selfies were then shared by prospective students on Twitter and Instagram using the #IAmARedRaider hashtag to show their enthusiasm in joining the Red Raider family. This campaign served to be the final communication with admitted students to encourage them to enroll, and allowed incoming students to meet others in their class through the social media interaction. The social media portion of the campaign allowed for personalization of a direct mail piece, and encouraged interaction within the target audience, the two primary goals of the campaign.

Strategy and Execution

This entry deserves to win because it is an innovative integrated campaign that met its overall objectives and goals. It utilized a direct self-mailer to reach the target audience of prospective students, and gave them an opportunity to participate in the brand and to feel part of the Red Raider family. In an industry that gives many options to each prospective student, making a direct connection with them is an important aspect of the recruitment process. By having direct interaction with the audience, it created the necessary bond that led to an increase in enrollment well higher than the goal of the campaign.

Overall, the campaign led to a 17.5% increase in freshman enrollment, an increase that was well above the initial goal. The direct mailer with detachable mustache received a 30% response rate of selfies submitted using the campaign hashtag, an incredible response when the average response rate on mail pieces is 2%. In addition to the initial response from the mustache, the campaign introduced the hashtag to the incoming class.

"It's Time to be a Red Raider" has far and away accomplished its goals. It created buzz, engagement, and allowed for prospective students to interact directly with the brand, and meet each other. This campaign did more than communicate a message, it created community, something not easily accomplished.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Texas Tech University's Office of Communications & Marketing


Entry Credits