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Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Impact Awards

WB's "The Fallout" : Space for Mental Health

Finalist in Mental Health


In the film The Fallout, bolstered by new friendships forged under sudden and tragic circumstances, high schooler Vada begins to reinvent herself. Moving away from her comfortable family routine, she starts taking chances with a series of quicksilver decisions that test her own boundaries and push her in new directions. As she spends more time with Mia, they grow closer, and Vada slowly redefines herself through their shared experiences, leading her further away from that day and closer to living her life in the now. 

To celebrate and promote a film this raw and powerful, WB Pictures partnered with key influencers in the mental wellness space to create impactful and informative content series that shared in the theme of hope found amongst tragedy and ignited both critical conversations around mental health and anticipation for the premiere of this poignant film.  

Our specific goals were to revive awareness of the issue, and to welcome subsequent engagement in discussion around solutions and care – driven by the themes of the film and its societal context.

Strategy and Execution

WB Pictures sought to open a brave digital space for all to engage with comfortably, sharing their own stories that connect to the poignant themes explored in The Fallout. To promote the film in a credible way or through a substantiated voice we turned to experts. We partnered with empowerment-focused social media channels – to provide education and inspiration for a much needed dialogue around mental health and processing trauma.

In addressing themes of grief and trauma it was critical that this campaign was treated with the care the subject matter deserved; WB Pictures and its creator partners needed to deliver content that created a community of caring, rather than triggering viewers with polarizing themes.

We collaborated with our identified authorities in the mental wellness space to create content that comes built-in with the credibility and care needed to discuss such charged topics. Drawing upon expertise from both top tier and up-and-coming creators produced a high-reaching and informative campaign that brought knowledge about healing in the context of the upcoming premiere. No two pieces of content were the same; every creator created their own unique content that would feel endemic to their own channel. Some folks created quote cards. Some shaped clips with captions. Some delivered video analysis. But leveraging the pre-existing content styles of each creator allowed the authenticity of the messaging to shine through, positioning The Fallout as a part of the usual conversation rather than a diversion from it. 


Putting the cause before the marketing endeared creators and followers alike to the content—enhancing overall brand sentiment and eliciting high praise for The Fallout. Intentionally partnering with and keeping true to creators who have distinct content design encouraged followers to earnestly engage with each post, rather than turn away from content they’d see as only marketing.

This commitment resulted in highly engaging content—even inspiring one partner to include a newsletter and podcast segment about the film for no extra fee. 

The Fallout creator campaign generated 17 pieces of content from 4 key partners that garnered over 3.3 million impressions, reached over 2.5 million unique accounts, and boasted  125.6K engagements - opening a much-needed dialogue around healing after tragedy and galvanizing dedicated followers to watch The Fallout. 

Comment sections flooded with love from followers praising the powerful messaging from the posts and film alike, opening a brave digital space for all to share their stories and connections to the themes of the viewing experience.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Lupine Creative, Warner Bros. Pictures

Entry Credits