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Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Impact Awards

Strictly Stalking Podcast

Entered in Podcast


The objective of the Strictly Stalking podcast is to create awareness of the very under-reported and misunderstood crime of stalking.  While interviewing survivors of stalkers, we not only discuss thier personal stories, but also advice for our listeners going through similar situations.  We cover how to get the attention of authorities, making police reports, social media do's & dont's, and mental health help for PTSD from being stalked. We know that by getting these stories into the public we can create enough awareness to increase police training in the crime of stalking, change laws pertaining to stalking, and ultimately - save lives. Stalking is referred to as "slow murder", as that can often be the outcome if people don't get help and authorities don't take it seriously.  We've also been able to show that stalking comes in many forms, it's not only intimate partner stalking, but also stalking from co-workers, friends, family members, acquaintances, or complete strangers. And, most importantly, that stalking has no limits to it's victims - absolutely anyone can become a victim of a stalker.  This is a worldwide issue that needs to be addressed before more lives are lost.

Strategy and Execution

Strictly Stalking is the only true crime podcast that solely and completely covers the crime of stalking through the victim's own words.  We are able to give men and women a platform to come forward and tell their stories, giving them the opportunity to turn their trauma into a way to help others.  Many have said that by finally speaking out against their stalker, they feel a sense of relief knowing they've taken the first step to take their lives back. We've created a community of survivors that no one wanted to join, yet it is theraputic to know they are not alone anymore.  We are unique in the way that many of our guests and listeners reach out to each other offering help - or asking for help.  We are starting from the ground up to make a much needed difference, from detecting red flags in people, to massive changes in how law enforcement and courts deal with the crime of stalking.  Our goal is to make it safer for stalking victims to come forward, to no longer feel ashamed or that it's their fault, and for law enforcement to have the training in place to help the victims, and for the courts to finally provide much needed justice.


Strictly Stalking podcast, along with the guests that are brave enough to come forward and tell their stories are saving lives. We recieve emails from many victims that didn't know where or who they could turn to until they listened. Stalkers don't just stop stalking, all too often the only way they are stopped is if they are dead or in prison. And unfortunately, they often return to stalking their victims the moment they are out of prison, with deadly consequences. That's why it's essential that we continue to create awareness, push proper training among law enforcement, change laws to keep up with the technology stalkers are using, and discuss how important it is to recieve mental health treatment and therapy for both the stalkers and the victims.  We are - and will continue - to make a difference and save lives.


Video for Strictly Stalking Podcast

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Strictly Stalking


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