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Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Impact Awards

Acer Project Humanity - Environment

Winner in Employee Engagement

Audience Honor in Employee Engagement


Acer began incorporating sustainability practices in its operations more than a decade ago. But with the growing number of natural disasters around the world triggered by climate change, it was clear that constructive and collective action were urgently needed to address the pressing issues.

In 2017, Acer launched Project Humanity to unite its worldwide employees in creating a sustainability framework for eco-friendly initiatives and instill a green philosophy within the company culture. Project Humanity was a platform for Acer’s employees to step up the fight against climate change, it was a stage for them to propose and implement ideas that help drive for positive changes. Across the world, employees from different disciplines have expressed their concerns for the next generation, and their passion to do their part to help protect the environment starting from daily habits like to limiting the use of disposal cups and utensils. Next they were encouraged to make conscious choices in their professional capacity toward the goals of Recycling, Reducing, and Recreating.

Making a choice alone may have limited impact, but when we can influence our social circles to do the same and repeat these actions no matter how small, the collective change will be significant, therefore our partners and suppliers were also called on to help make eco-friendly changes together with Acer through our product design, production process, and more. Project Humanity presents employees with a sense of purpose, knowing they have the power to make every decision count to the future of our planet.

Strategy and Execution

Every Decision Counts” is the motto for Project Humanity, to inspire employees to create environmental impacts beyond ESG requirements, and to feel a sense of purpose as part of the Acer family. The bottom-up culture of the program captures Acer’s curious, progressive, and human values. We communicated clearly that sustainability doesn’t have to mean compromise when we think creatively, and even though the changes may seem miniscule at first, but imagine the significance when it is over and over again.

To draw greater awareness of the urgent environmental situation and spark employee interests to take part in Project Humanity,

  1. Exhaustive internal communication through employee newsletters (EDMs) and the dedicated mobile app was conducted including messages from executives as well as employees to demonstrate their personal support for the cause.
  2. Environmental specialists were invited to give lectures, interactive internal campaigns were held, and their green actions were shared via newsletters and dedicated project web and social media pages.
  3. Inspiring stories from global employees on their actions or achievements were widely shared on the dedicated project web, and awarded in Acer’s annual CSR Project Awards.
  4. Various “Green Action” campaigns were held with mobile app to record actions and reward employees with prizes.

In the professional setting: Acer employees motivated partners and suppliers to transform the existing PC ecosystem’s culture around Recycle, Reduce, and Recreate. Actions were taken by various departments include:

  1. Packaging Department: choose recycled or recyclable materials for PCs and packaging; developed modularizing packaging so they can be shared across various lines thereby reducing waste; packaging was designed for it to be reused, for example, an inner partition could be converted into a laptop stand to give it a second life.
  2. Supply Chain Department: shipped some goods via train instead of by air to cut carbon emissions.
  3. Service Department: Recycled used batteries and electronic waste into new materials.
  4. Industrial Design Department: Chose recycled plastics to build PCs e.g. the Aspire Vero laptop was built with 30% post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic in the chassis and 50% PCR plastic in the keyboard caps to reduce pollution from the production of virgin plastic and waste.

An Acer Green Day event was held to share to the world our sustainability mission milestones, and where Acer called on more partners and suppliers to join its Earthion sustainability mission and amplify the positive impacts on the environment. At the same time, the “21-Day Green Challenge” campaign kicked off to encourage employees to lead a greener lifestyle by developing green habits, with a dedicated app to record eco-friendly actions. Acer’s partners and suppliers were invited to join the challenge, and consumers could take part via Instagram at #Acer21DayChallenge, which follows several hero influencers telling their stories about reducing/reusing/recycling and activities which integrate eco-friendly actions into their lifestyles. The company further supported the challenge by collaborating with One Tree Planted organization to plant a tree for every employee’s first recorded action.


Project Humanity has shaped an authentic brand culture through bottom-up employee initiatives and executive support.

  1. More than 5,000 (70%) Acer employees in over 40 countries initiated more than 350 socially-driven projects in less than 2 years.
  2. Led to the eventual development of the Vero line of eco-conscious PCs, displays and accessories, starting with the Aspire Vero laptop in 2021, that went on the win numerous design awards including its packaging design.
    • Aspire Vero is built with PCR plastic and Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP), features a chassis without paint coating, reusable packaging, VeroSense software for the most efficient power setting, etc.
  3. 100% of Acer’s notebooks have adopted recycled paper for packaging.
  4. More than 8.8 million products were shipped using PCR plastic.
  5. The equivalent of 60 tons of CO2 emissions reduced (2019).
  6. More than 20 metric tons of batteries were recycled and remanufactured into new batteries.
  7. Modularized packaging designs so they can be shared across various product lines thereby reducing waste, shipping goods via train instead of by air to cut carbon emissions.
  8. Led to the launch of the Acer Earthion platform which combines the strengths of the company, its supply chain partners to help tackle environmental challenges with innovative solutions. To date, the Acer Group, including its global operations and subsidiaries, has successfully achieved its 2020 target of reducing its carbon emissions by 60% worldwide (taking 2009 as the baseline year).


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Acer Inc.
