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Special Project

Special Project
From the 7th Annual Shorty Impact Awards

Endangered Colour

Entered in Environment


HP is a technology company that believes that one well-thought-out idea has the power to change the world.

Sustainability is embedded in everything HP does. This  is not considered an “add-on”, but is incorporated into all business activities and their DNA since HP's inception.


Develop a consumer-facing brand campaign in the Netherlands (built on a
local NGO partnership for HP’s Print Business) that demonstrates why HP is the world’s most sustainable and just tech company.


Creating greater awareness around sustainability achievements and ambitions of HP amongst consumers.

Strategy and Execution


The way the world is treating nature, is worrying. Blue oceans turn grey because of plastic waste, green forest disappears because of climate change. Nature is losing its colour.

By bringing the most vivid colors to life on paper, HP is known as an authority on color. Since nature is losing color rapidly, HP is determined to step.


That is why we created the campaign: Endangered colour.

HP raises awareness and makes local impact for plastic waste in oceans, by revealing the extinct colour of the year (Blue) and even more by encouraging Dutch consumers to go on a plastic diet, via the app “My Little Plastic Footprint” in collaboration with a well-known and local NGO: Plastic Soup Foundation.


We asked consumers to download the app “My Little Plastic Footprint” and to go on a plastic diet. The app is super accessible and by clicking on “HP challenge” you get non-plastic alternatives for a plastic free lunch (ex. Instead of a plastic bag, use re-usable lunch box, that you can check off)

Credible partnership/ endorsing HP
While HP has a strong voice by itself, we want to include external partners to create more engagement, reach, news value and leverage. So, we partnered up with Plastic Soup Foundation (PSF), a well-known and esteemed NGO in the Netherlands, that fights against ocean plastic and only collaborates with strict selected (and investigated) companies.

We involved Sander Hoogendoorn (famous radio DJ and PSF ambassador) to get extra media attention and connection with consumers.

Sustainable proof points that resonate
In NL, most consumer concerns are plastic waste, recycling/re-use of products and forests. HP has a lot of proof points and ambitions on this topic.  

Storyline to engage with
By addressing a societal relevant topic and create a story around this (Endangered Colour), we were able to engage the Dutch audiences with HP in the context of sustainability. And engage with them by going on a plastic diet (via the app “My Little Plastic Footprint) together.


Total reach = 1.923.375 media and brand ambassadors combined.

Engagement: in terms of engagement the campaign resonated well with the audience. With an engagement rate of 4.8% (average rate = 2.5%) consumers we’re interacting with the content in terms of liking, sharing or commenting on the content. The sentiment of the campaign was positive.  

Local impact:

Besides this engaging storytelling, we also offered consumers a perspective to act themselves, by providing a call-to-action to download the app/ do the HP challenge.

We saw +20% more downloads compared to the weeks before the campaign, which  show the consumers engaged with the campaign/HP.

Future potential integration/ recurring campaign:
As we speak HP is getting budget approved for a second edition of the campaign, to make this a recurring topic/event (TBD).

Total reach = 1.923.375


Press: reach = 1.459.251

Earned: 976.251

Brand ambassadors = 448.736 / e.r. 4.8%

App download:

Social: 15.388


Video for Endangered Colour

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Daniel J Edelman Ltd, HP

Entry Credits