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Special Project

Special Project
From the 6th Annual Shorty Awards

Wheat Thins Flavor Protection

Winner in Contest


Name of Photo THE WORLD’S FIRST INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR A SNACK. Necessary? Not really. Appreciated? Absolutely. INSIGHT: In 2013, we uncovered a sad truth on Twitter: People, good people, eat other people’s Wheat Thins. IDEA: Flavor Protection - a three-tiered insurance policy to protect and replace stolen boxes of Wheat Thins. To sign-up, people followed @WheatThins on Twitter and filed claims through a tweet. In just seven weeks, the program gained 60,000 new followers, received over 150 million impressions, 250,000 brand mentions, and was even featured in Twitter’s IPO materials alongside the Obama Campaign for sending one of the most influential tweets ever. But most importantly, we replaced over 30,000 boxes for Wheat Thins fans around the country. THE CASE STUDY VIDEO: Name of Photo THE BASIC COVERAGE PLAN. After receiving upwards of thirty-five tweets per day about Wheat Thins theft, we came up with a contest to actually help solve that problem. To receive “Flavor Protection" basic coverage, owners simply followed @WheatThins on Twitter. Then, when a theft occurred, entered their claim through a special form on the Flavor Protection microsite and sent a tweet for a chance to win delivery of a much needed replacement box. Nearly every day the contest was live we reached our per-day replacement box limit in minutes; showing just how much of a problem “thin theft" was for owners across America. The brand quickly earned over 60,000 new followers. 10,000 in the first two hours of going live. Throughout all 3 phases of the program, over 30,000 people filed a claim to win a replacement box. Name of Photo THE PREMIUM COVERAGE PLAN. The Premium Coverage Plan was launched two weeks into the contest. Followers sent tweets through the Flavor Protection site and had to achieve a certain amount of retweets on their tweet to win three elaborate “protection" devices. During this phase of the contest, the brand earned over 100,000 retweets and 250,000 brand mentions. Once users reached the pre-determined number of retweets required, they won the item. Fifty retweets earned Night Vision Goggles, 150 retweets for a Book Safe, and 1,000 RT’s could win a giant crate of Wheat Thins boxes - so many that it rendered any theft meaningless. Name of Photo THE LIME PLAN. During the release of the final tier of Flavor Protection, owners of the new limited release, Wheat Thins Lime, were able to participate in a contest for unprecedented protection. Through the Flavor Protection site, followers submitted photo appraisals of their box of Lime to prove ownership and if the most valued flavor of Wheat Thins was taken from them, they could file a claim for a chance to win the entire Wheat Thins flavor portfolio. PROGRAM RESULTS. 60,000+ New Followers 100,000+ Retweets 150 Million+ Impressions 30,000 Boxes Distributed 250,000 Brand Mentions One Of Twitter's Most Influential Tweets

Strategy and Execution

The Huffington Post "The 22 Coolest Tweets, ever." The Wallstreet Journal "From President Barack Obama to Wheat Thins" GAWKER "Wheat Thins and other cool brands seed the internet." BUZZFEED "Vines drove 242,000 related tweets."


Entrant Company / Organization Name

AKQA New York


Entry Credits