The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 6th Annual Shorty Awards

@CoxTV- Cox Communications

Entered in Telecom


CoxTV brings together TV lovers and their favorite shows. With our entertainment handle, we are able to connect to viewers on a personal level all by talking to them before, during and after their favorite shows are on air. Big TV shows and programmer handles may struggle to communicate to all their followers yet our niche audience is able to talk directly to our brand and discuss what they love most about shows. In order to increase the average monthly engagement and fan growth on Twitter and increase engagement around Cox’s offerings, @CoxTV leveraged Nielsen Social Guide to join the live conversation around the most discussed May TV Finales. After selecting the eight most discussed May TV finales, CoxTV set out to live tweet each finale and award followers who were chatting with us during the show. Finales included: NCIS, The Big Bang Theory, Criminal Minds, Doctor Who, How I Met Your Mother, Bates Motel, The Office and Psych. Paid media allowed us to use Twitter keyword timeline and search ad placements to build awareness and engagement around each finale. Live tweeting eight shows in ten days allowed us to grow the @CoxTV twitter following by +115%. Throughout the campaign, we saw 12,458 Total Retweets, and 1,146 Total @Mentions to our handle. In a category where negative sentiment runs high, CoxTV is continuing to see sustained engagement and an increase in positive conversations around the brand.


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