When you’ve got 6.4 million people depending on you every time they get in their vehicle, you need a dedicated social team for support online. OnStar’s Facebook page is more than just another social platform to be present on. Each day OnStar is there to answer questions, provide helpful tips, encourage service usage, and if needed, escalate issues. By implementing a LEARN philosophy (Listen, Engage, Activate, Respond, Nurture) for relationship building, OnStar: • LISTENs to consumer inputs • ENGAGEs to help answer questions • With the help of band advocates, ACTIVATEs community help with questions • RESPONDs and resolves issues • NURTUREs negative experiences into positive ones But OnStar wants to help their subscribers even more. To achieve this and to be more readily available to help fans and subscribers: • OnStar took steps to create a dedicated issue resolution team online. • This team has been able to decrease response time and better serve subscribers with their concerns or questions. • Issues that may have previously taken a few hours and several email chains to solve now take less than an hour. These Community Managers work around the clock and can help resolve the same issues and answer the same questions that their counterparts through a blue button push can. This hasn’t gone unnoticed by OnStar’s fans either. In 2012, each month consistently, “I Love OnStar" and “Thank You" fell into the top 5 topics mentioned by fans. “I Love OnStar" was 29% and “Thank You" was 18% of OnStar’s total positive interactions on Facebook. One important part of OnStar’s social media strategy is creating “connections" and relationships with their fans. Even dissatisfied customers, like Travis, have become passionate supporters of the brand. Back in 2009, Travis was angry. He turned to Facebook to vent. In minutes, he received a response with a willingness to help from a moderator who used their real name to ensure his trust. Travis is now one of OnStar’s most influential fans, and is quick to point out that “An OnStar moderator will help you" often faster than they can respond themselves. One of OnStar’s main goals in the social space has been to create a community where questions are encouraged, negative experiences are accepted, and fan loyalty is cultivated. It all comes down to engagement with each fan, no matter what their posts may be about. OnStar helps over 6.4 million people every day on a personal, 1-on-1 bases, and they strive to maintain that philosophy in the social space.