Thinking about an idea is simple. Spreading it is something else. Believe started in 2012 for you. To give you a voice or choice. Within weeks pur twitter @believeartmusic had. 450+ K followers. No need to look for talent. Talent came to us and Believe rewards that with blog entries by choice. We promote the most the Music ans Art Brand because thet entry has the most problems in getting their work promoted and pay for. An artist has difficulties in promoting themselves. We gave them a voice to make pr a lot easier in a environment of a "daring" blog.Believe is a blog that lifted blogging to another level it is a newssite today where artist have their own space, where people have their own voice, where campains start and where news is spread. A world in a small space. Today Believe is used for news by almost 2 dozen of websites growing by the day. yogadaily there are so many sites using Believe