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Special Project

Special Project
From the 4th Annual Shorty Social Good Awards


Entered in Human Rights


When it comes to homelessness, it's not just about circumstances or misfortune. Often it's about the local government's budget distribution that attacks the community's most vulnerable. As of 2016, Washington, DC had the highest per capita rate of homelessness in the country. With its sky-high rents, the city is one of the least affordable places to live in the US. To afford a 2-bedroom apartment here, a minimum-wage worker would have to work 104 hours a week. Rania Khalek spoke with DC residents who struggle hard to make ends meet, about what it's like being homeless in the capital of the richest country on Earth.

Strategy and Execution

We have opinions. We have empathy. We see the ridiculous and we strike back with satire. We question. We doubt. We check the facts. And then we climb up onto our soapbox and we make our voices heard. Loud and clear. 


As of 2016, DC had the highest per capita rate of homelessness in the US, with more than 15,000 people experiencing homelessness over the course of a typical year. DC’s rising unaffordability has altered the city’s demographic landscape. It was America’s first city to have a black majority, but in 2011 the black population dropped below 50% for the first time in more than 50 years. We wanted to find out why and meet the families affected by this injustice. 


With over 176K Page followers, over 129K likes and a weekly reach of 2 million Facebook users, we create content that inspires change by highlighting the world’s crised and offering concrete solutions.

We are Maffick: a boisterous celebration of our beautiful world –

and all of its (crazy/fucking complicated) stories

WE ARE shareable stories that matter. Stories that grab you by the brain and get inside your head. Stories that challenge what you think you know about how the world works, and how you work in it. Stories that change you.

We ARE NOT cable news. We are not partisan. We are not politically correct. We are not an echo chamber. We’re bigger than “both sides of the story.” We know there are more sides than two.



Impact metrics

Since its publication on Facebook, “HOMELESS IN THE CAPITAL” has generated more than 47K views and reached more than 110K people, engaging more than 6K people with likes, comments, and shares.




Entrant Company / Organization Name



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