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Special Project

Special Project
From the 3rd Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

Lubona's Wish

Entered in Financial Services


Funds contributed by the bank help provide free lifesaving antiretroviral medication to mothers to help ensure they deliver healthy, HIV-free babies. Mothers like Connie Mudenda from Zambia and children like Connie's daughter Lubona, who with each new birthday, reminds us that the first AIDS-free generation in decades is close at hand.

Strategy and Execution

Just ten years ago, 800 HIV-positive babies were born every day in Africa. Today, that number has dropped by 58%. Bank of America has teamed up with RED to get the number of new infections closer to zero by providing free lifesaving antiretroviral medication to mothers to help ensure they deliver healthy, HIV free babies. Mothers like Connie Mudenda. And children like Connie's daughter Lubona, who with each birthday, reminds us that the first AIDS-free generation in decades is at hand.

The purpose of this work is to bring to life the issue of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Africa. To make it real and relatable.

Since so much of the fight and fundraising for RED happens via social, posting a film online where it could be easily viewed and shared was essential to our mission of raising awareness and empathy.


Video for Lubona's Wish

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Hill Holliday, Bank Of America


Entry Credits