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Special Project

Special Project
From the 2nd Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

Tomorrow Trust

Winner in Blog Presence


In 2005, Kim Normand Dobrin, founded Tomorrow Trust. Tomorrow Trust uses a unique approach to breaking the cycle of poverty in the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children and youth (OVCY). Through an innovative approach to integrative holistic education and development, Tomorrow Trust nurtures the potential of each individual. Tomorrow Trust works exclusively with orphans, and vulnerable children and youth to provide integrated education and holistic support in a sustainable manner, thereby enabling these young learners to focus on their education and access opportunities they would otherwise be denied.We do this by focusing on providing additional academic support to children in school (Grade R to Grade 12) via Holiday and Saturday School Programmes as well as supporting tertiary aspirations via our Post-Secondary Programme.

Our primary objective is to provide this integrated academic and holistic support to as many learners and students as possible in South Africa as well as to create & spread awareness of the incredible work that Tomorrow Trust is doing.

Strategy and Execution

Tomorrow Trust implements a unique model that ensures that orphaned and vulnerable children and youth are equipped with tools that will enable them to succeed despite the challenges they face in the education system. Tomorrow Trust currently assists over 2000 beneficiaries.

Tomorrow Trust focuses on the individual student, township school teacher support, give back from teachers working in other areas, qualified graduates to be employed to strengthening the economy and society. We partner with other NGO's, schools, Government and the Private sector to implement our work successfully.

Our programs provide the best supportive holistic education for our beneficiaries. All our learners are inspired to learn and develop. Through our Junior and Senior Holiday and Saturday school programme we have an integrated approach to education and the development of each child we provide educators who are highly qualified and are motivated to teach; through our various partner school we conduct our programs in environments that are conducive to learning; we provide 3 nutritional meals daily to our learners during the programme and ensure that they have all the materials that will ensure that they succeed.

In our Post-Secondary Programme, tertiary level we focus on supporting our students both psycho – socially and academically to ensure that they reach their full potential. Currently the dropout rate in first year at South African universities is 50% however due to the intense and holistic support Tomorrow Trust has experienced an average of only 2.4% drop out rate in the past 11 years.

We ensure that our graduates not only have qualifications but are socially conscious, politically aware and want to be positive and active members of the South African society.

In 11 years we have 221 Alumni that have graduated through the Tomorrow Trust, all holding various qualifications allowing them to be self – sustainable. These alumni have broken the poverty cycle in their families and are now role models and leaders in their communities. 90% of our Alumni are employed in a country where the employment rate among youth is 36.9%. Through our work we have empowered them to be active members of the South African Economy.



Video for Tomorrow Trust

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Tomorrow Trust


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