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Special Project

Special Project
From the 2nd Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

Love is Love

Winner in Auto


Mercedes-Benz proudly stands up for equality in status, rights and opportunities. In times when everything is changing, equality remains as important as ever.

Mercedes-Benz strong believes in this fundamental social principle.

For Valentine's Day 2017, Mercedes-Benz decided to celebrate differently with a piece of Social content to celebrate Love in its most pure form and to help to raise awareness for Equality.

Without super productions or gimmicks, Mercedes-Benz wanted to take a stand and express their corporate position on equality.

Utilising their own Social Media channels (Facebook and Instagram), Mercedes-Benz created a video that went viral in a space of 48 hours hitting global audiences with a simple Global message: Love is Love.

Strategy and Execution

Mercedes-Benz is a much loved brand – loved by a diversity of people with distinct backgrounds. So, why not use this love to unite our Social audience around a message of love.

We began with the insight that #love is one of the most-used hashtags on Instagram. Yet on Valentine's Day, a day that celebrates love, billions of people across the world will still be marginalised for whom and how they love.

Couples still struggle with even the smallest acts of public affection – holding hands. Hands and touch are the first gestures of love, from when you are born to a first date, holding hands means love, assurance, safety, friendship and tolerance.

We wanted to leverage the most romantic day of the year to bring attention to the larger cultural conversation about love and equality. This campaign had to be a statement of Mercedes-Benz' commitment to equality.

We aimed to produce work that spoke to our audience where it counts, to win their hearts and improve brand sentiment and perception.


The response to our message was incredibly supportive and the video was quickly shared by Mercedes-Benz in other countries around the world.

This short campaign was a triple win for Mercedes-Benz Australia and New Zealand.

With a modest budget, we achieved:

  • A$2million worth in media value, that's a 400% ROI
  • 13 mainstream media mentions
  • An estimated reach of 15 million people
  • 40 million impressions
  • 5,320 social media mentions
  • 3 personal phone calls (that we know of) thanking Mercedes-Benz

  • The results were astounding. From an initial Australian and New Zealand statement Mercedes-Benz began reaching global consumers at an awe-inspiring pace. The video was shared by Mercedes-Benz pages from Germany to South Africa, Norway, Italy, Greece, the UK and Dubai. The Facebook video was also picked up by local media outlets who publicised Mercedes-Benz' equality positioning.

    Our Customer Services received phone calls from our audience praising Mercedes-Benz for taking a stand for equality.

    In contributing to a larger cultural conversation, we amplified our branding efforts and affirmed Mercedes-Benz as a dedicated and genuine supporter of equality.


    Video for Love is Love

    Entrant Company / Organization Name

    Online Circle Digital, Mercedes-Benz Australia-Pacific


    Entry Credits